Sand Springs Board of Education approves 5-year Strategic Improvement Plan

The Continuous Strategic Improvement (CSI) team was recognized for their work in developing the 5-year plan for SSPS.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs Board of Education handed out a plethora of awards at their regular monthly meeting Monday evening and discussed the strategic plan for the next five school years.

Brock Smith received the Sandite Spirit Award for making the 2017 Academic All State team, Charles Page High School Head Baseball Coach Bill Hutson received a Coin of Excellence, and the team behind the new Strategic Plan received the Sandite Pacesetter Award and were recognized both individually and as a group.

The official mission for SSPS going forward will be to "empower every child to maximize their potential for responsible productive citizenship in the 21st century." The strategy identifies four pillars for success. 

  1. Empower Students with successful learning and behaviors.
  2. Empower Teachers and Staff through successful recruitment, training, mentoring, school culture, and climate.
  3. Empower Families and Community with successful community and family engagement.
  4. Empower Resource Innovation through successful integration of technology, environments for learning, and financial support and resources. 

Allison Potts, Angelia Noel, Brian Jackson, Catrina Edgar, Claudia Smith, Christina Abbott, Dick Ford, Emily Glaser, Jay Rotert, Jennifer Smith, JJ Smith, Kami McCabe, Karen Biggs, Liz Binger, Megan Morrow, Michael Bynum, Mikael Howard, Mindy Roley, Renee McFarland, Rusty Gunn, Sarah Lattie, Stan Trout, Sylvia Fooshee, Vicki Harbaugh, Sharon Dean, Sharon Wilbur, and Stephanie Hyder were all a part of the Continuous Strategic Improvement (CSI) team.

The Board approved three out-of-state trips for the CPHS Volleyball team. The Lady Sandite varsity squad will head to camp in Branson, Missouri, while the 7th Grade, 8th Grade, JV, and Freshman teams will make two trips to a camp in Fayetteville, Arkansas. All three trips will be held in July. The trips are funded in full by the Booster Club.

The Lady Sandites celebrated their best season in school history last year and Head Coach Janna Green was named the Frontier Valley Conference Coach of the Year. The volleyball season will begin in August, possibly up to a week before the school year actually begins.

The Board rescinded an agreement passed last month with Oklahoma LED, then passed the same agreement but along a lease-own option rather than outright purchase.

The Board authorized the use of $55,449.50 to hire American Demolition to raze the former Twin Cities Elementary building. The school intends to retain the property with expectations of district growth in the foreseeable future, but the currently building would be too costly to renovate.

The Board authorized a $0.05 increase in the price of student lunches, as recommended by the Director of Child Nutrition. 

The Board voted in favor of shortening the 2016-2017 school year by one day, thanks to a number of unused snow days. The last day of school for students will be Thursday, May 25th, allowing teachers to use the 26th as a professional day without having to return after Memorial Day Weekend. 

The Board approved a $35,240 contract with Sports Unlimited for a partial floor replacement in the Ed Dubie Field House. The plan also includes a $5,000 contingency. The floor became warped on one side of the court, within the three-point line, during basketball season. The Lady Sandite Conference Champion team had to give up their right to host a Regional Tournament because of it. 

The Sand Springs Board of Education meets on the first Monday of every month in the Charles Page High School Fine Arts Building at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public with opportunities for public questions, concerns, and comments.

Sen. David Holt introduces measures to fund $10,000 teacher pay raise

Senator David Holt has introduced Senate Bill 316, which would provide a $10,000 raise to all Oklahoma classroom teachers over a four-year period beginning this fall. Holt has further introduced 12 separate measures to provide funding options for the raise.  

It is estimated a $10,000 raise for all 42,000 classroom teachers could cost approximately $550 million. Holt’s 12 funding measures cumulatively provide at least $744 million in funding options, with the option of adding another $261 million, bringing to over $1 billion the total defined funding options from which to choose. Holt’s proposals also include other revenue raising measures with undetermined values. Holt also authored an income tax exemption for teachers equivalent to an $1,850 average raise.

None of these proposed funding options increase any existing tax rate and it is believed all of the measures could be passed with simple majorities of the Legislature this legislative session.

Oklahoma teachers have not received a statewide raise of any kind since 2008 and now lag behind the regional average by $5,000 and the national average by $10,000.

“We cannot have the future we want for our state without a solid education system, which we cannot have without great teachers, which we cannot have without competitive pay,” said Holt, R-Oklahoma City. “There are so many things Oklahoma needs to do, but none are as important as this. We need to address this teacher pay issue in the 2017 session, and this legislative package proves that it can be done.”

Last year, Holt also introduced a $10,000 teacher pay raise with funding methods. On the night that State Question 779 failed in November, he publicly pledged that his first legislative proposal for the 2017 session would again be a $10,000 teacher pay raise package.  

“As a product of Oklahoma public schools, the son of a retired teacher, and the father of current public school students, I fully understand the urgency of this need,” Holt said.

Senate Bill 316 provides for a $10,000 raise over a four-year period for all of Oklahoma’s approximately 42,000 classroom teachers. For the 2017-2018 school year, teachers would receive a $1,000 raise, followed by three $3,000 raises spread over the ensuing three school years.   

“I believe we need to be talking about a $10,000 raise, because we let this fester so long, because we are so far behind, and because it will take years to implement,” Holt said. “Not many private businesses would go a decade without providing even a cost-of-living increase.   When you run an operation that way, you leave yourself no choice but to make a bold move or risk failure. Let’s start thinking ahead of the curve instead of playing catch-up.”

“I think any realistic and practical solution to the teacher pay issue must be multi-faceted, must be multi-year, and must require only simple majorities of the Legislature,” Holt said. “I think there’s a lot of room for negotiation within those parameters. The reason I have proposed funding options that far exceed the need is so that this Legislature can pick and choose what elements work best.”

“My package provides a menu of options, within which we could accommodate a smaller pay raise, or distinctions based on seniority, credentials, or subject matter, if that was the will of the body,” Holt said. “I expect there to be many great ideas, and I will support the final product that emerges, as long as we’re making real progress on this issue.”

Here are Holt’s 12 funding options, a brief summary of each, and estimates of the pay raise each measure could provide and when. His comments follow each measure.

SB 330 – This measure captures the first $200 million in new revenue growth and dedicates those dollars to teacher pay raises.

Annual value: $200 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $3,600

Year of first impact: Unknown

“If you had asked our state government five years ago to cut $200 million and redirect it to teacher pay, many would have said it was impossible. But due to the drop in energy prices, that amount and more has already been cut. The hardest part of the task has already been accomplished. This legislation makes a statutory promise that when energy prices rebound, and they always have, the first $200 million in new revenues that come to the state will go to a teacher pay raise. It’s as simple as that, and if history is any guide, those revenues may not be far away.”


SB 331 – This measure repeals Oklahoma’s sales tax exemption on repair, maintenance, delivery and installation of taxable goods, something that is taxed in 24 other states. 

Estimated annual value to the state: $59 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $1,075

Year of first impact: 2017

SB 331 could also be expanded to include items that are taxed in at least a dozen states nationally or a majority of surrounding states. These items include oil field services ($31.6 million), construction services ($142 million), utilities ($15 million), information services ($915,000), data processing ($9.2 million), software ($7.5 million), digital goods ($4 million), automotive services ($9.1 million), cable TV ($65.5 million), trailer park stays ($11.9 million), automotive leases ($6.7 million), pet grooming ($3.2 million), carpet cleaning ($3 million), extermination ($2.3 million), aircraft rental ($1.8 million), swimming pool cleaning ($1.6 million), diaper service ($1.3 million), fur storage ($1.1 million), landscaping ($843,000), marina service ($245,000), and telephone answering services ($200,000). These items alone would provide an additional $261 million.

Estimated annual value to the state: $261 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $4,750

Year of first impact: 2017

“The American economy has evolved, and government has to modernize with it. There are a number of items that are taxed in many other states that have gone untaxed in Oklahoma for no reason other than having a good lobbyist or because the nature of the economy has changed. I drafted SB 331 to include the one item already mentioned, but view the bill as a potential vehicle for a much broader modernization of our sales tax code. I am very hopeful that the business community will come to the table and propose an equitable combination of items that spreads the burden fairly, so that our state’s education system can improve. It is also worth noting that this broadening of the sales tax base would tremendously assist police and fire protection in our state as well.”


SB 332 – This measure removes the exemption that allows the state and local governments to abstain from paying sales tax on purchases.

Estimated annual value to the state: $238 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $4,300

Year of first impact: 2017

“This bill will serve to redirect a significant amount of government spending where it needs to go – our education system. And any burden it places on local government could be more than offset by the other measures I have proposed that broaden the sales tax base, as well as the fact that local governments would benefit from the removal of the exemption for purchases by the state.”


SB 333 – This measure ends the applicability of the controversial wind energy tax credit at the end of 2017.

Estimated annual value: $60 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $1,100

Year of first impact: Unknown, but existing credit recipients have ten years to claim their credit


SB 334 – This measure repeals the exemption on sales tax made available to wind energy manufacturers.

Estimated annual value to the state: $5 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $100

Year of first impact: 2017

“These tax benefits have outlived their usefulness and are not as high a priority as teacher pay.”


SB 339 – This measure ends the exemptions for non-appropriated state agencies that have been treated differently from the majority of non-appropriated agencies that pay the state 10 percent of their budget.

Estimated annual value: $87 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $1,550

Year of first impact: 2017

“Paying ten percent of their budget to the state in exchange for the many services provided to them is no great burden to these agencies, but cumulatively, it provides significant funding towards a teacher pay raise. And it finally treats all the non-appropriated agencies equitably.”


SJR 16 and SJR 17 – These two measures work together to create a citizen commission that would spend three years developing a modern school district map that decreases the number of superintendents from 520 to 200 without closing any school building, while spreading the burden equally between rural and urban communities.

Estimated annual value: $50 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $900

Year of first impact: 2023

“Next to teacher pay, the staggering number of superintendents in our state is probably the issue I hear about from constituents the most. And it’s not just a rural issue. There are 24 school districts in the city limits of Oklahoma City. We can be a low tax state or we can be an inefficient state, but we can’t be both. We have to spend money more wisely and get those funds into the classroom. This is a thoughtful and fair way to accomplish a tough but necessary task.”


SB 335 – The state annually provides several hundred million dollars to fund the repair of county roads, even though the state has to maintain state roads as well and there is no state assistance for city roads. This measure lowers that amount by a modest $45 million annually.

Annual value: $45 million

Equivalent to a raise of: $800

Year of first impact: 2017

“Maintaining county roads is something the state should assist with only if we have already addressed the state’s core functions, such as state roads and teacher pay. Even still, my bill does not reduce the amount going to counties by very much, but it does help fund a teacher pay raise.”


SB 336 – This measure would allow the Lottery Commission the flexibility it has requested in setting prize amounts, which it believes will increase total revenues. The increased revenues are captured for teacher pay. 

Estimated annual value: Unknown

Equivalent to a raise of: Unknown

Year of first impact: 2019

“The lottery is never going to be the source of revenue for education that it was once presented to be, but I believe with this reform it could do more.”


SB 337 – This measure enacts similar reporting requirements for online retailers that were adopted in Colorado and recently upheld in Federal court.

Estimated annual value: Unknown

Equivalent to a raise of: Unknown

Year of first impact: 2017

“Due to Constitutional restrictions, this is still largely a Federal issue, but the recent court decision in Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl gives Oklahoma an opportunity to potentially recover more revenues that are already due.”


SB 338 – This measure exempts teachers from all Oklahoma income tax obligations.  

Equivalent to a raise of: $1,850

Year of first impact: 2018

“This is a real economic value to teachers, but it’s also an incredible marketing tool. Imagine the unique appeal of marketing Oklahoma as a state where we value teachers so much that we completely exempt them from our income tax. I think it could help morale and the growth of the profession.”

Holt’s teacher pay raise proposals can be considered in the 2017 legislative session that begins February 6. 

Sand Springs Special Projects Manager Kasey St. John is a rising star in local government

City of Sand Springs Marketing and Special Projects Manager Kasey St. John poses with her OKAPA award. 

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Meet Kasey St. John, one of the most integral cogs in the Sand Springs machine. She will probably roll her eyes that I said that, but it's true--she's involved in everything.

The Marketing and Special Projects Manager for the City of Sand Springs has only been a Sandite for a little over two years now, and she has more than made a name for herself in that short amount of time. Most recently she was awarded the Oklahoma Planning Association's Outstanding Student Project Award for her work on the See Sand Springs website. 

See Sand Springs is St. John's Master's thesis project, and is now an officially sanctioned effort to attract small businesses, developers, employers, and visitors to the Sand Springs area. The beautifully designed website answers questions about incentives, marketing, and cohesion with City planning. It was recently added to the City Council's Economic Development Resolution.

"It's cool to be honored for a student project," said St. John. "My goal was to make this project benefit the community." It seems like everything she does benefits the community, and not just in the scope of her job. Because See Sand Springs was a school project, she wasn't allowed to work on it during work hours. So after spending long hours in the City municipal building serving the City, she would then go home and continue serving the City on her own time. 

She is no stranger to hard work. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma in 2008 with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications, she went to work as the Public Relations Coordinator for The Metropolitan Environmental Trust. In 2009 she began working in the Transportation Planning Department at the Indian Nations Council of Governments, where she worked until she came to Sand Springs. While at INCOG she designed the Tulsa Transportation Resource Center website.

She has been a member of the Tulsa Young Professionals for the past eight years and currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the foundation. Though she modestly denies it, she has been referred to as being "instrumental in getting the Great Raft Race launch site located in Sand Springs" by a City official. St. John is good friends with the Executive Director of the Raft Race and lobbied on behalf of Sand Springs, but says her pushing likely wouldn't have made a difference if Sand Springs hadn't already been a piece of Raft Race history. 

St. John has spent the last two years working on her Master's in Architectural Urban Studies at the University of Oklahoma--Tulsa College of Architecture. She will graduate with that degree in December. 

Her duties with the City include managing projects such as the famous Sand Springs Herbal Affair, the City website and social media accounts, as well as development of the City's strategic marketing plans. 

St. John and her husband of five years, Steven, have two dogs named Gilbert and Francisco. When she finds spare time she enjoys traveling and reading and also owns a marketing and wedding planning business.

In 2015 she was named as one of Oklahoma Magazine's "40 under 40."

Her most recent project is the #SandSpringsLocal campaign, which seeks to bring attention to the fact that Oklahoma is the only State where cities are almost entirely dependent on sales tax for general operations such as emergency respondents, parks and recreation, roads and infrastructure, and economic development. The campaign encourages Sand Springs citizens to use the aforementioned hashtag on social media and to "check-in" and tag businesses whenever citizens are out shopping and eating. Using the hashtag between October 15th and December 15th will enter citizens into a drawing for various prize packs from local businesses. 

She can be reached through her Wordpress website.


Ever thought about hosting a foreign exchange student?

Staff Reports

Make next school year the most enriching for your family, ever! Volunteer families are needed to host students, 15 to 18 year old boys and girls, from Germany, Sweden, China, Brazil, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Japan, Ecuador, South Korea, and several other countries. Families are able to review student applications and choose the boy or girl that best matches their family.

Students speak English, come medically insured and with their own spending money for personal expenses. They attend the host family's local high school for a school year or semester. #sharethelove and become a SHARE! High School Exchange Program host family, today!

Contact us today!

Monsters have invaded Sand Springs and Millennials are loving it

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The streets of Oklahoma have been invaded twice this week. First by monsters, then by Millennials.

Many parents may have thought their pokemon days were behind them once their child grew up and moved out, but now you might very well have a Vulpix living in your bathroom. 

Nintendo and Niantic Labs released the newest evolution of the Pokemon franchise last Wednesday in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand in the form of a smart phone app for Apple and Android users. Pokemon Go utilizes GPS imaging and the users' cameras to render an "augmented reality" that directly mirrors the real world.

What does that mean? It means that nerds actually have to leave the house and get some exercise now. For Pokemon trainers to "Catch 'Em All," they have to travel and seek out the desired "Pocket Monster" using a low-tech radar that only informs you if you're getting closer or further away, but doesn't actually point you in any specific direction.

To load up on Pokeballs and other necessary inventory, trainers must visit Pokestops at various local landmarks such as the Sand Springs Triangle Clock Tower, the Sand Springs Lake, or the Herbal Affair Mural. Pokemon can be caught anywhere, including the middle of the street, causing some potentially dangerous habits among die-hard collectors. 

In addition to the Pokestops, there are also Pokemon Gyms at Earth and Soul, the statue of Charles Page on the Triangle, Crossfit 1055, Saint Matthews Episcopal Church, and more. Gyms can be taken over by players on any of the three teams: Valor, Mystic, and Instinct. Players can combat enemy trainers at hostile gyms, and can train their own pokemon and level up friendly gyms that belong to their team. 

What's great about Pokemon Go is that it's not just a kids' game. While the app is sure to reach an entire new generation of children, its biggest target audience is the nostalgic young adults who grew up on the original Gameboy games in the 1990's and 2000's. The augmented reality aspect of the game is not only encouraging young people to be more active, but the uniqueness of it has enticed numerous adults well into their thirties and forties to take up the activity as well. 

The "Tulsa Pokemon GO: Team Valor" facebook group already has 231 members, "Pokemon GO-Team Instinct Tulsa" has 368 members, and "Tulsa Team Mystic" facebook page has 261 "likes." "Sand Springs Team Valor" appears to be the only team with a Facebook group in Sand Springs and it is currently sitting at 35 members.

This is far from a small niche market. The app quickly surged to the number one position on the Apple marketplace Top Charts, ahead of Snapchat, Messenger, Google Maps, and Spotify. The company hasn't released official numbers yet, but App analytics company SensorTower estimates more than 7.5 million downloads in the U.S. alone. The popularity of the app has caused numerous server issues that have frustrated many users, but the laps in coverage seem to be getting less frequent and game play is rapidly becoming less problematic. Unfortunately for most of the world, Niantec has already indefinitely delayed the rollout to the rest of the world until the server issues are resolved.

Don't expect users to get bored and quit playing any time soon. The app's debut only features the 150 original first generation pokemon, and future releases are expected to make an additional 570 pokemon available as well as allow players to trade their catches.

Sandite Pride News activated a "Lure Module" at the City Garden Park on Broadway Sunday, which draws rare pokemon to the area for a period of thirty minutes. Within ten minutes, players who saw the lure on their map were flocking to join us in the garden. Five vehicles with close to two-dozen trainers answered our call over the brief window, and there was another lure module going off at the Triangle which attracted dozens more at the same time. 

Needless to say, you can expect to see a lot more people walking around town with their face in their phone in the foreseeable future, so be vigilant not to hit any pedestrians who aren't paying attention to their surroundings. 

Sandite Pride is currently divided with two of our staff members choosing Team Valor while a third is on Team Mystic. Whether the rest of the staff joins the fun remains to be seen, but Executive Director Morgan Miller and I invite you to join us on the Sand Springs Team Valor facebook group and get active! The game isn't just for us nerds, but anyone who wants to be active and see more of the city will be sure to enjoy the app.

From The Editor: Sunday June 19, 2016

From the Editor’s Desk:

Greetings Sandites!

Thank you for reading the fourth edition of our new Sandite Pride News Weekly digital edition. We hope to be bringing this to you in a print format very soon!

If you’re new to our platform, I’d like to share our mission statement with you.

“Our mission is to improve our city by establishing relationships and building a family that works and stands together and celebrates each others' accomplishments.
We seek to be professional and factual, while maintaining compassion and honesty. We will report relevant stories in a timely manner from a positive perspective.
We will perform community outreach and look for opportunities to improve the quality of our environment. We will partner with local businesses, churches, youth groups, and other organizations, and support their visions for this community.”

What does all that mean? It means we’re here for you!

We want to help see your dreams through to fruition. We’re all Sandites, we’re all in this together, and it’ll take all of us working together to achieve the dream that Charles Page had for this great community! We strive to “think right” at Sandite Pride News, and that means helping the city any way we can.

Whether you’re a church, nonprofit organization, or even a for-profit business trying to do something special for the community, let us help you. Any free community event, such as church youth group events, vacation bible school programs, free movie nights, etc. are completely free to advertise with Sandite Pride!

We don’t look to profit off people trying to make a difference. Fundraisers where the host organization stands to profit are eligible for discounted rates on advertising as well. If 50% of the proceeds of your event go to charity, then your advertising is 50% off! And as always, we love our regular sponsors and advertisers who want to help support our vision. We offer full page, half page, banner ads, and more! Help us bring a light to this community and celebrate those who are achieving their dreams and putting this great city on the map.

We are always grateful for tips and information on any potential stories. Feel free to reach out today and make sure we know about your special events coming up! 

Scott Emigh

This article was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.

Jake Dillon Band and Dylan Whitney Band to perform at Bixby craft festival

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Jake Dillon Band appeared on a segment of Good Morning Tulsa Monday morning and performed their newest single "Going Crazy." The band was promoting a Bixby event at Washington Irving Park this upcoming weekend.

The Jake Dillon Band is made up of Charles Page High School Class of 2011 graduate Jake "Dillon" Tankersley along with Colton Joe on lead guitar, Eric Cope on bass, and Casey Highfill on drums. Tankersley recently appeared on the final season of American Idol in January and performed for thousands in Hollywood. 

Vintage Down South is a craft show event that will feature several antique and craft vendors as well as Tulsa food trucks and an impressive lineup of local musicians. The Jake Dillon Band will be performing Friday night from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Also performing at the event is Dylan Whitney, a CPHS Class of 2015 graduate, with his band. Whitney performs alongside vocalist Christi King, bass guitarist Scott Craig, guitarist Michael McClure, and drummer Randy Reese. The Dylan Whitney band has been making waves in the local blues scene with recent performances at the Chillin 'n' Grillin Festival in Sand Springs, the Exit 56 Blues Fest in Tennessee, Tulsa Mayfest, and more. The band will be performing the Vintage Down South event Saturday from 1:00 to 6:00 pm, and will also be performing the free 5th Annual Summertime Blues Showcase at the Blues Society of Tulsa Friday night at 9:15.

Several other musicians will be performing at the Vintage Down South event:

Bixby's Cole Lynch Band will be opening the event up with a set from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Friday, followed by the Jake Dillon Band from 6:00 to 8:00. 

Saturday will kick off with Bandelier, a Tulsa band featuring Jessey Aycock, Chris Combs, Eric Noble, and Erin O'Dowd from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. From there Chelsea Gann, a season 10 contestant on The Voice, will take the stage. Gann made it to episode seven and was eliminated in the "battle rounds." She also performed alongside Whitney at the Chillin 'n' Grillin Festival. She will be performing intermittently between 1:00 and 6:00 pm Saturday. Kyle and Jake Lowrey of the band 2 Steps Back will be playing Saturday with Gann, Lynch and Whitney all sharing the 1:00 to 6:00 pm slot in a kind of five-man-jam. 

From The Editor: Sunday June 12, 2016

From the Editor’s Desk:

Greetings Sandites!

Thank you for reading the third edition of our new Sandite Pride News Weekly digital edition. We hope to be bringing this to you in a print format very soon!

This week’s edition is dedicated to a man very near to my heart, my late uncle, David Wayne Emigh.

David was the founding pastor of Word of Life Church in Sand Springs, and led our congregation for thirty years. In that time he touched countless lives, not just in our little community, but across the world.

From being a published author of three books and hundreds of magazines, to traveling the world in missions and founding hundreds of churches, David’s words have reached the hearts of many.

David means a lot to me, despite never getting to know him that well in life. I was only fifteen years old when he passed, and I wish that I had been closer to him. Overseeing a church of some seven-hundred people required a lot of David, but he still found time to check in on me when he could, taking me bowling, laser-tagging, and having me over for movies. We weren’t nearly as close as some uncles and nephews are, but I looked up to him then, and even more so now.

My parents split up in 2009, and despite his best efforts, my father wasn’t around as much as a son needs. I’m sure many of my readers can relate. When you’re a kid, you need role models, and you look for them wherever you can. Often times we turn to celebrities or athletes for inspiration. I was fortunate enough to have a great man to look up to, who left behind a smorgasbord of writings, videos, and recordings to learn from.

The five year anniversary of David’s untimely death is this Wednesday, June 15th. Our community lost an incredible human being, and many of us are still feeling the pain of loss.

Scott Emigh

This story was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.

Sand Springs Board of Education authorizes litigation against State

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting and used the opportunity to present a series of awards and recognitions, approve the hiring of new staff, and discuss district finances. 

Bob Anderson was awarded the Sandite Spirit Award and Coins of Excellence were presented to retiring Superintendent Lloyd Snow, retiring Chief Financial Operator Gary Watts, retiring Pratt Principal Jim Roberts, retiring Athletic Director Ed Garrett, retiring Encumbrance Clerk Sally Gramm, Board Clerk Kim Clenney, and District Artchitect Jeanie Kvach.

The Board approved the employment of six new employees for the upcoming school year. Clyde Boyd Middle School will be adding Rebekah Anderson as a Seventh Grade Writing Teacher. Charles Page High School will get five new employees: Kristen Anderson, Special Ed Teacher; Matthew Miller, World History Teacher; Kimberly Mutch, Advanced Math Teacher; Lindsay Ross, Counselor; Matt Solomon, Art Teacher. 

The school board unanimously approved a motion to authorize funding of no more than $5,000 for the purpose of joining ongoing litigation before the Oklahoma Supreme Court against the State Department of Education and the Oklahoma Tax Commission concerning past allocations of state aid payments. The lawsuit, which was filed in March, includes about fifty school districts seeking reparations for twenty-two years of misappropriation of commercial and agricultural property taxes. The defense maintains that despite their acknowledgement and correction of the error in 2014, they should not be made to collect reparations from the schools that benefited due to the unreliability of data predating 2004 due to the fact that all records used in the calculation of state aid are disposed of after twelve years. Furthermore, they cite a three-year statute of limitations on similar cases. The defense issued a response to the petitioners' claims on June 1st, pointing out "the dire budget situations already facing the schools that will be negatively impacted."

The district is already engaged in litigation against the Oklahoma Tax Commission for allegedly misappropriating funds associated with motor vehicle collections authorized by the passage of HB2244 by the 55th Legislature. The plaintiff is not seeking reparations from the school districts that benefited from the alleged error, but seeks for the state aid formula to be corrected going forward. The board initially went straight to the State Supreme Court in the hopes of enacting a decision before June 30th. The Supreme Court denied the petition in April, however, meaning the suit will have to go through the district courts first. The district claims a loss of more than $200,000 thus far and expects that amount to double by the time a decision is reached. 

The proposed budget for 2016-2017 was also unanimously approved during the board meeting. Revenue is expected to decline by $3,761,380 from the last fiscal year. Operating expenses have been slashed by $3,094,000, which Superintendent Snow says will result in fifty-one fewer employees across the school district.

From The Editor: Sunday June 5, 2016

From the Editor’s Desk:

Greetings Sandites!

Thank you for reading the second edition of our new Sandite Pride News Weekly digital edition. We hope to be bringing this to you in a print format very soon!

In last week’s edition I talked about the history of Sandite Pride and how it all came together. To summarize it, we are not associated with the Sand Springs Leader, or the high school newspaper, The Sandtonian. We are a locally owned and operated company founded out of a love of Sand Springs and her people.

As a staff we believe there is no better community in the nation, and it is our goal to bring recognition to this great city and the incredible people who work day-in and day-out to make it that way. We believe that each and every citizen has a story, and we want to help them tell it.

Sandite Pride News, LLC consists of myself, Morgan Miller, Teri Emigh, and Virgil Noah. Morgan is our Executive Director. She helps oversee the flow of operations and makes sure that nothing is overlooked in the day-to-day operations. Teri is our Chief Financial Officer and handles our financial and legal obligations. Virgil is our Marketing Director. He works to establish the relationships with local businesses and organizations that are the lifeblood of our organization. As the Editor-in-Chief I am the voice of the company, and I decide the overall tone of our magazine as well as plan our long-term goals and purpose.

The fifth and most vital member of our team is you; the people we work for and represent, and care so much about. The whole reason this magazine/website exists is to bring the community together, to educate its people on current affairs affecting the city, to celebrate our successes and improve the overall sense of Sandite pride.

We hope you will work with us in this venture and we welcome your contribution. We are always looking for friends and partners in this journey and want to work together to make this town the best it can be.

Feel free to contact us any time for any reason. I can be reached at 918.899.0823. Morgan’s number is 918.508.9564 and Virgil’s number is 918.282.1243. Don’t hesitate to call us for any reason, or send us an email at We are constantly looking for advertising partners, stories, news tips, and more. If you are hosting an event that you would like to be included in our magazine, let us know!

Sandite Pride News can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. We also have an account with SmugMug where you can purchase prints or downloads of all our photography, including sporting events, graduation, and most recently the Word of Life Free Community Carnival.

Scott Emigh

This story was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.

I-44 ramps re-open in Berryhill

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Sand Springs residents on the South side of the river can breath easy again now that the I-44/I-244 ramps at 51st Street in the Berryhill area have reopened. The area has been a traffic nightmare for the last half year as the Oklahoma Department of Transportation performed critical bridge rehabilitation repairs.

ODOT giveth and ODOT taketh away...In perfect timing with the reopoening of the I-44 ramps, the department will be closing the 23rd Street bridge in West Tulsa for as long as eight months while crews replace three spans of the bridge and reconfigure several piers. 

Frank Cooper receives 2016 Oklahoma Medal of Excellence

COURTESY. Frank Cooper shows off a proclamation from the Tulsa County Board of Commissioners declaring March 22nd, 2016 to be Frank Cooper Day.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Charles Page High School's Frank V. Cooper was awarded the 2016 Oklahoma Medal of Excellence in Secondary Teaching by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence Sunday.

Cooper is only the third Sandite to receive the Medal of Excellence, and the first to win it for Secondary Education. Susan Edwards received the inaugural Medal of Excellence in Elementary Teaching in 1987. Superintendent Lloyd Snow received the Medal of Excellence for Administration in 2015, and the Sand Springs Education Foundation was recognized with the now defunct Medal of Excellence for Local Education Foundations in 2004. 

Cooper sacrificed a promising legal career in 1993 to pursue a more fulfilling existence challenging the minds and inspiring the hears of Sand Springs's young people.

Frank Cooper dresses as Austin Powers during the 2012 Spirit Week.

The social studies and leadership teacher is a man of many coats, sometimes donning the tights, helmet, and golden cape of Captain Sandite at pep assembles and football games. Every January 8th he can be found in full Elvis Presley attire, celebrating the King's birthday. He's even been known to impersonate the International Man of Mystery from time to time.

The beloved community leader has previously received the University of Tulsa Secondary School Teacher Award for Inspiration, has twice been named the CPHS Teacher of the Year, and was a 2014 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalist. In 2014 he was featured on NBC's Today Show in a segment called "American Story."

Earlier this year, the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County declared March 22, 2016 to be Frank Cooper Day across the County. Though the proclamation was only for the year 2016, it wouldn't be surprising if the students of Charles Page adopt it as an annual holiday.

It wouldn't be the first time that Cooper has received such an honor.

In February of 2014 the high school dedicated the 100 hallway, in which Cooper's classroom is located, to the teacher and mounted a "Cooper Hall" plaque over the entrance to the hall.

Cooper never lets an opportunity pass to remind his students that they're important, he loves them, and

"the joy of life is in the journey!"

This story was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.

Sand Springs City Council adopts series of goals for economic growth

The Sand Springs City Council unanimously approved Resolution CC-1641 Monday evening at their bi-weekly meeting at the City Municipal Building. The resolution identifies a series of ambitious goals and objectives compiled by City Planner Brad Bates.

  1. "The City of Sand Springs will strive to promote local commerce, trade, and commodities by strengthening working relationships with the local/regional entities, existing businesses and institutions.
    1. Maintain a list of Top 10 employers and actively engage them to evaluate workforce objectives and collaboration with other local businesses.
    2. Support local businesses through shopping and dining campaigns/programs, including but not limited to the purchase with a purpose campaign.
    3. Promote shop local campaigns and events
    4. Provide links to local hospitality, dining and retail establishments on a Sand Springs website.
    5. Pursue alternative methods of internet driven traffic through search engine providers and promote usage of local businesses.
    6. Produce marketing material for distribution at trade shows and conventions.
    7. Expand the local business manager's quarterly meeting with City officials to discuss concerns, achievements and future suggestions for how the City can help improve local business success.
    8. Collaborate with schools and non-profit organizations on workforce development to create a sustainable workforce in Sand Springs
    9. Create a one page handout on "What shopping local means to you!" Have facts on how much taxable sales to fund one police officer. So if it's $40,000 average for a police officer that requires $2,000,000 in taxable sales of .02 sales tax that goes to the general fund.
  2. Aggressively pursue new local, regional, or national restaurant and retail businesses. 
    1. Create an inventory of City and privately owned properties that will be made available to interested parties.
    2. Actively work to broker/initiate development deals and transactions.
    3. Have strong code enforcement of existing properties by strengthening property management codes and regulations.
    4. Attend regional and national trade shows, expos, and conventions promoting the City of Sand Springs.
    5. Update the City's incentives policy to direct the long-term process of economic development.
    6. Explore and employ non-traditional incentive methods where appropriate, with specific attention to fostering small businesses and entrepreneurship. 
    7. Expand and grow the City's population through development of new single-family, multi-family, and elderly housing, in addition to actively encouraging annexation of property.
    8. Continue to monitor and evaluate the City's permit fees and development process to stay competitive with other Tulsa Metro communities.
    9. Have a team ready of citizen ambassadors to call upon to meet with prospects.
  3. Identify some projects that will beautify Sand Springs and assist with marketing and economic development and complete those projects.
    1. Develop a highway corridor improvement plan or concept for implementation as part of the Vision 2025 approved project and funding.
    2. Create a timeline for corridor improvements and being implementation accordingly.
    3. Identify beautification projects that serve a multipurpose through enhancing properties or businesses that simultaneously improve the public image.
    4. Engage local civic organizations, schools, and neighborhood associations to organize cleanup efforts or beautification projects.
    5. Continue renovation and construction projects for city owed properties with functionality and aesthetics being considered in design.
    6. Review city ordinances on landscape requirements for development with possible modifications of requirements strengthening and encouraging property beautification.
    7. Have work days more often and announced early enough that people can plan ahead.
  4. Evaluate and consider the acquisition of real estate for future development purposes.
    1. Determine the need and identify areas for property acquisition to help drive development transactions.
    2. Formalize a process for which property can be bought by the City in a timely and efficient manner.
    3. Develop a criteria for real estate purchasing as a form of a development incentive.
    4. Initiate land use workshops with staff to engage primary land owners in goal accomplishment.
  5. Encourage and engage Subdivision and Multi-Family Developers/Developments.
    1. Work with developers to identify properties that are available for development.
    2. Continue to monitor and evaluate the City's permit fees and development process to stay competitive with other Tulsa Metro cities.
    3. Expedite processes when possible to speed up the overall development time.
    4. Evaluate infrastructure development as an incentive when deemed appropriate and beneficial.
    5. Attend Tulsa Home Builders Association meetings and gatherings to promote Sand Springs as a community.
    6. Contact and meet with Multi-Family Developers to inform them about Sand Springs and promote the need for additional housing options within the community.
    7. Make incentive policy options available for subdivision and multi-family developments.
  6. Develop an Economic Development website resource hub and strive to educate and advance the objective of all involved with the City to be involved in assisting with economic development as possible. 
    1. Set a public launch date of the website and begin to promote the site through social media platforms. 
    2. Create handout materials (cards, flyers, etc) that can be distributed to businesses, developers, brokers, and citizens promoting
    3. Create and maintain an inventory of available city owned properties for development
    4. Provide links to active real estate professionals/organizations listings in the area.
    5. Provide Demographic and Market Profile information for easy review and utilization, updated annually. 
    6. Provide Economic Development Incentive information, policies, and guidelines once developed and implemented.
    7. Provide links to zoning/building regulations, building permit forms and guidelines, engineering design criteria, and the Sand Springs Comprehensive Plan.
    8. Provide digital links to zoning and comprehensive plan land use maps.
    9. Provide links to State of Oklahoma Business Resources (ie: Small Business Incentive, Department of Commerce, etc)
  7. Sand Springs will have a strong independent local economy that compliments the surrounding region but is not dependent on it.
    1. Collaborate with local and regional partners regarding economic development opportunities.
    2. Encourage the development of offices, professional services, and industry in appropriate locations within the City. 
    3. Continue to support and promote the downtown commercial area.
    4. Develop a new economic development grant program for downtown development.
    5. Promote housing rehabilitation, revitalization and infrastructure improvements within neighborhoods in need.
    6. Increase retail/shopping and dining availability within Sand Springs.
    7. We should encourage and find sights that may be appealing to both developers and citizens."

Salvation Army banquet raises $21,000 for new playground

Montie Box is honored by the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club with an award.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club of Sand Springs honored longtime Sand Springs entrepreneur and philanthropist Montie Box with a banquet at Hillspring Church Tuesday night. The event also served as a fundraiser for new playground equipment for the Salvation Army facility and succeeded in raising over $21,000.

Stan Clark, founder and owner of Eskimo Joe's, was the keynote speaker, and several other community leaders also spoke at the Army of Stars Banquet. 

Eskimo Joe's founder Stan Clark was the keynote speaker at the Army of Stars Banquet.

Advisory Council Chairman Bob Anderson introduced the man of honor and read off his seemingly never-ending list of accomplishments. Box was then presented proclamations from the City of Sand Springs and the State of Oklahoma from Mayor Mike Burdge and Councilman Phil Nollan, respectively. Nollan presented the State proclamation on behalf of his wife, District 66 Representative Jadine Nollan, who was away at the Capitol. Senator Dan Newberry also gave an address honoring Box. 

Attendance at the event was $40 a chair and had more than 100 in attendance. The event concluded with a silent auction that generated more than $4,000 in addition to donations taken earlier in the night. 

Morgan's Relax Packs are handcrafted customizable heat/cold packs designed for maximum relief at affordable pricing.

Montie Box is a long-time Sand Springs resident with more than half a century of real estate experience. He founded Montie Box Co. in 1958 after graduating from Oklahoma A&M, now Oklahoma State University. He served in the army during the Korean Conflict with the rank of First Lieutenant. 

In 1973 he was named Oklahoma Realtor of the Year. In 1988 he was awarded the Sand Springs Education Association Friend of Education recognition. He was a founding member of the Sand Springs Education Foundation in 1990. In 1992 he was given the honor of life membership on the Tulsa Boys' Home Board of Directors as well as the SS Education Foundation. That same year he was inducted into the Sand Springs Education Hall of Fame. In 1995 he was named Sand Springs Hometown Hero. In 1998 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Realtors, which is considered to be the highest honor a realtor can receive and he is a member of the NAR Hall of Fame.

Senator Dan Newberry addresses the crowd and honors Montie Box. Newberry is currently running for reelection against City Councilman Brian Jackson.

He served as a regent for Tulsa Community College from 1995-2006 and was the Chairman from 1996-1997. In 2009 he received the Vision in Education Award from TCC. 

His involvement with the Salvation Army goes back 61 years. He was instrumental in getting the new facility built in 1978 at its current location in Sand Springs. He is a life member of the Sand Springs Advisory Council, which is a prestigious appointment only available to members with a minimum of 15 years of outstanding service. He is a former coach and manager of Tulsa and Sand Springs Pee Wee Wrestling and he has served as Ringmaster at the Tulsa State Fair Livestock Auction. 

Lieutenant David Brittle also announced that Box had been confirmed as the 2016 recipient of the prestigious William Booth Award, which is one of the highest honors given by the Salvation Army. He will receive that award in the near future.

CPHS and Page Academy graduate 412 in Class of 2016; Snow receives honorary diploma

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Every student and every class to pass through the halls of Charles Page is special in its own way. But the Class of 2016 has earned a special place in in the annals of Sandite history. CPHS Principal Stan Trout recognized these past few years as an "athletics and fine arts Renaissance." 

Indeed, this class has seen our first football playoff victory since they were toddlers. They led us to State Championship appearances in football, wrestling, softball, tennis, golf, debate, and more. Seniors Cameron Meeker and Emma Bedokis became the first debate semifinalists in school history and fourteen Sandites have put pen to paper in committing to play collegiate sports.

412 students graduated from CPHS and Page Academy Saturday evening at the Oral Roberts University Mabee Center. Among them were 74 honor grads, having attained 4.0 GPAs over all four years of high school, and 34 earned certificates of distinction.

Student Council President Courtney Langley led the packed stadium in the Pledge of Allegiance and Christina Brittle amazed the crowd with her performance of the National Anthem. The CPHS band set the tone throughout the evening and Bryn Lewis and National Merit Scholar and Academic All State Scholar Ethan Veenker gave touching speeches to their peers. 

The ceremony took a comical turn as Principal Trout contended that outgoing Superintendent of Schools Lloyd Snow could not be considered "the perfect Sandite" without having graduated from Sand Springs. Snow was then walked through a series of auditory "End of Instruction Exams." 

Many jokes were made, such as, "What do you get when you have a Sandite and take away nine football victories?..A Chieftain," and "Besides football and basketball, what new OSSAA sport did the Sandites and Booker T Washington compete in?" The answer of "Twitter" was met with thunderous laughter. Principal Trout has never shied away from controversial jokes at graduation, something that earns him extra love and respect from his students. 

After taking his "EOIs" Snow was required to lead the crowd in one last "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y" cheer and awarded an honorary CPHS diploma. But the laughter was soon replaced with tearful joy as the beloved Superintendent gave his final graduation speech, a heartwarming address in which he recognized the Class of 2016 as his class. 

After remarks from Board of Education President Mike Mullins came the presentation of diplomas and perhaps the most famous Sand Springs tradition of all, a final message from Frank Cooper. The annual reading of "Love You Forever" by Robert N. Munsch. The children's bedtime story has taken a special place in the hearts of the Sand Springs community after generations of young Sandites have sat through the tearful recital by Cooper. 

The story is altered, and filled with the names of the Class of 2016, as Cooper adds his own touches and flares of inspiration to make the story unique to each class each year, but each year features the same iconic chorus;

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my babies you'll be."

Finally, the Senior Quartet led the crowd in the Alma Mater and Senior Class President Erin Kennedy gave the closing speech. The students were dismissed to their parents and, despite two more weeks of school, to the world. 

Montie Box honored at Salvation Army banquet

Montie Box is honored by the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club with an award.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club of Sand Springs honored longtime Sand Springs entrepreneur and philanthropist Montie Box with a banquet at Hillspring Church Tuesday night. The event also served as a fundraiser for new playground equipment for the Salvation Army facility. 

Stan Clark, founder and owner of Eskimo Joe's, was the keynote speaker, and several other community leaders also spoke at the Army of Stars Banquet. 

Eskimo Joe's founder Stan Clark was the keynote speaker at the Army of Stars Banquet.

Advisory Council Chairman Bob Anderson introduced the man of honor and read off his seemingly never-ending list of accomplishments. Box was then presented proclamations from the City of Sand Springs and the State of Oklahoma from Mayor Mike Burdge and Councilman Phil Nollan, respectively. Nollan presented the State proclamation on behalf of his wife, District 66 Representative Jadine Nollan, who was away at the Capitol. Senator Dan Newberry also gave an address honoring Box. 

Attendance at the event was $40 a chair and had more than 100 in attendance. The event concluded with a silent auction that generated more than $4,000 in addition to donations taken earlier in the night. 

Morgan's Relax Packs are handcrafted customizable heat/cold packs designed for maximum relief at affordable pricing.

Montie Box is a long-time Sand Springs resident with more than half a century of real estate experience. He founded Montie Box Co. in 1958 after graduating from Oklahoma A&M, now Oklahoma State University. He served in the army during the Korean Conflict with the rank of First Lieutenant. 

In 1973 he was named Oklahoma Realtor of the Year. In 1988 he was awarded the Sand Springs Education Association Friend of Education recognition. He was a founding member of the Sand Springs Education Foundation in 1990. In 1992 he was given the honor of life membership on the Tulsa Boys' Home Board of Directors as well as the SS Education Foundation. That same year he was inducted into the Sand Springs Education Hall of Fame. In 1995 he was named Sand Springs Hometown Hero. In 1998 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Realtors, which is considered to be the highest honor a realtor can receive and he is a member of the NAR Hall of Fame.

Senator Dan Newberry addresses the crowd and honors Montie Box. Newberry is currently running for reelection against outgoing Superintendent Lloyd Snow.

He served as a regent for Tulsa Community College from 1995-2006 and was the Chairman from 1996-1997. In 2009 he received the Vision in Education Award from TCC. 

His involvement with the Salvation Army goes back 61 years. He was instrumental in getting the new facility built in 1978 at its current location in Sand Springs. He is a life member of the Sand Springs Advisory Council, which is a prestigious appointment only available to members with a minimum of 15 years of outstanding service. He is a former coach and manager of Tulsa and Sand Springs Pee Wee Wrestling and he has served as Ringmaster at the Tulsa State Fair Livestock Auction. 

Lieutenant David Brittle also announced that Box had been confirmed as the 2016 recipient of the prestigious William Booth Award, which is one of the highest honors given by the Salvation Army. He will receive that award in the near future.

Holy Smokers win fifth-straight at Chillin & Grillin, Harper's Hut gives away 400+ snow cones

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce put on their annual Chillin' and Grillin' Festival this past weekend, and if you didn't make it then you sure missed out!

Harper's Hut Shaved Ice & Java gave out more than 400 free snow cones throughout the event, including signature favorites such as Harry Potter Butterbeer and Volcano. 

Jambo Pits was named Grand Champion of the event by the Kansas City Barbecue Society with Okie Q BBQ coming in as Reserve Champion.

Jambo Pits took first place in brisket, Moving the Chains BBQ took first in pork, Buffalo's BBQ took first in pork ribs, and Fatt Mikes took first place in chicken.

Church That Matters' Holy Smokers won their fifth consecutive People's Choice Award. Light My Fire BBQ won the "Anything But" competition.

This year included a baking competition with two categories and two division. Katie Gonzales won the Student division in Cookies. Jacie Taber and Cameron Clemons won the Student Pies category. Andrea Brice won Adult Cookies and Debra Bunch won Adult Pies. 

Charles Page High School graduate and blues musician Dylan Whitney was the entertainment for the evening, along with the Charles Sisters.

Senator Dan Newberry was on the scene to present awards and publicize his upcoming re-election campaign. Sand Springs's own Josh Turley was also campaigning at the event. Turley is running for the position of County Commissioner. 

The full Sandite Pride gallery from the event is now available at

Sandite of the Week: Josh Eddington

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

This week has been the toughest in our history to decide on a single Sandite of the Week. From softball and baseball players hitting multiple home runs in a single game, to pitching shutouts, to golf tournament champions, outstanding debate performances, and more, we had more nominees than ever before. That said, after hard and careful consideration, we decided on Charles Page High School student Joshua Eddington as our Sandite of the Week for his incredible performance as Man in Chair in the High School production of "The Drowsy Chaperone."

I have been to many CPHS productions over the years, and this was undoubtedly the best I've ever seen. From the set design to the choreography, the acting to the singing, the costumes and makeup and everything in between; I wouldn't expect better from any school in the state, regardless of funding and resources. The whole cast and crew was spectacular, but Eddington set the tone for the entire event.

The story is a parody of American musical comedy of the 1920s, as told by the nameless narrator, the Man in Chair. Eddington was inseparable from his role, delivering the mousy bitterness of the lonely theater lover perfectly. The man seeks comfort in an old record of "The Drowsy Chaperone," a fictitious play that tells of actress Janet Van De Graff (portrayed by Lizzi Tate) preparing to be married and retire from the theater.

Her decision is met with much opposition by producer Feldzeig (Cameron Mays), who is being threatened by gangsters whose boss invested heavily in "Feldzeig's Follies," the production which De Graff is a part of. Feldzeig undergoes an effort to get the wedding called off and enlists the self-proclaimed famous Latin lover Adolpho (Blake Simpson) to seduce the bride. Instead, he mistakenly seduces the Chaperone (Zoey Hughes) and all sorts of shenanigans break loose. 

Photos from the event are available at

Bill & Ruth's is Sand Springs's best kept secret

By Morgan Miller, Executive Director

Whenever I walk into a restaurant, I fully prepare myself for the possibility of not being able to find something to eat there. I have multiple food allergies and they make eating outside of my home nearly impossible sometimes. When I walked into Bill and Ruth's, I was completely prepared to have to walk away and find somewhere else to eat, but that was not the case.

As soon as we entered the restaurant we were greeted with genuine enthusiasm by the owner, Walid Mustafa. He then asked us what we would be eating, and I told him of my predicament. That did not phase Mustafa in any way though. He immediately began making suggestions and actively trying to find things that I would be able to eat. He offered to make a dish in an alternative way to avoid using an ingredient that I couldn't eat. It ended up being the perfect solution, and we decided that the grilled catfish with steamed vegetables was a meal that I could safely eat!

After we paid and went to sit down, Mustafa began personally preparing our food. He got all of it out very quickly and it was wonderful. The food was plated very well, and the portions were large. I ended up taking more than half of it home! Finally, the restaurant was very clean and welcoming. It was a completely positive experience for me. 

Morgan’s Relax Packs are handcrafted heat packs designed for maximum muscle relief at affordable pricing.

I would highly recommend anyone to visit this restaurant, there is a wide variety of foods and the service is always excellent. Bill and Ruth's is located at 351 East 2nd Street, Sand Springs, Oklahoma. They are open Monday through Friday from 9:30am-9:00pm, Saturday 11:00am-9:00pm, and closed Sunday. If you would like to make a to-go order you can call the restaurant at 918-245-3782.

Word of Life Free Community Carnival moved to Memorial Day Weekend

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Word of Life Church is preparing for their fourth annual Free Community Carnival, this year with some changes. Instead of taking place at the end of summer, the church is moving the date forward to the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. The event will take place on May 28, 2016 from 11:00 am through 2:00 pm. 

Why the change? The ride company that the church was previously using is going through a transition and was unable to ensure their availability. Instead of putting the beloved community event on hiatus for a year, the church managed to locate an Oklahoma City based company that only had the one day available. Instead of looking at the change as an inconvenience, the church is counting it as a blessing and an opportunity to improve the experience for everyone.

Pastors Chad and Sarah (left) serving food at a past carnival.

"We feel Memorial Day weekend is a great time to do it since it's the first holiday of summer. Many families are looking for something to do, so why not a free carnival!" said Senior Pastor Chad Stewart. The temperature difference will also be a big improvement. The carnival volunteers have often had to work in 90+ degree temperatures in August, so the move to Springtime will make it far more enjoyable both for the workers and the guests.

This year the carnival will have seven rides and they are hoping to secure a Ferris Wheel, depending on availability. They plan on 3-4 large rides and 3-4 smaller rides for the little kids, in addition to games, inflatables, and other activities. As always, the church will be offering free hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, and lemonade. There will also be food and game trucks associated with the ride company, Sam's Amusements & Carnivals. These additional options won't be free, but will provide an even more authentic carnival feel than in previous years.

Like last year, parking will be located at the old K-Mart building on Charles Page Boulevard, as well as Northwoods Fine Arts Academy, and free shuttling will be provided. 

Then, on Sunday morning, the church will be giving away $5,000 to bless guests at their 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. Each service will have five winners of $500 each.