City Council commissions new sidewalks, murals, vacant property acquisition

The Sand Springs City Council met in a regular monthly meeting Monday evening and handed out a series of mayoral proclamations recognizing the Charles Page High School Wrestling Team for their State Championship wins this season.

The City of Sand Springs was recognized by the Oklahoma State Department of Health Center for the Advancement of Wellness for achieving the certified healthy designation of "Excellence." They were also awarded the 2017 State Historic Preservation Officer's Citation of Merit for the exterior rehabilitation of Page Memorial Library, which now houses the Sand Springs Historical and Cultural Museum. 

Parks Director Grant Gerondale provided a presentation on ongoing Parks Department projects. The department has been executing controlled burns at the Keystone Ancient Forest over the past months to keep overgrowth under control. They are also establishing a controlled burn line and trail that will be approximately three miles long when complete. According to Gerondale, the forest receives approximately 3,500 visitors per year.

The River City Park renovation is well under way. The department has planted nearly 200 new trees in the largest re-foresting project in the history of the city. Two new playgrounds have been installed that Gerondale described as "second to nothing in the U.S." The disc golf course is being relocated deeper within the park and is being expanded to a full 18-hole course. There will also be a "Thunder Cares" Court built in the park.

The park is still seeing extensive use in spite of ongoing construction. The Will Ramsey Softball Park and Inez Kirk Soccer Complex both saw more than fifty teams apiece at tournaments this past weekend and the BMX track has seen increased use in the past year. The Jerry Adair Baseball Park and the Soccer Complex are both undergoing expansion with the addition of new fields. 

SEE RELATED: Sand Springs Town Development History

Council unanimously approved the transfer of $51,578 from the ODOC Home Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. The ODOC Home Fund was part of a federal program established in the 1990s to provide low-interest loans to elderly residents for home repairs. That program has long since been defunct and the funds have sat dormant for more than a decade. The money will now be used to acquire and combine vacant properties where dilapidated houses once stood in older neighborhoods. 

Council unanimously approved resolutions authorizing the use of Community Development Block Grant funding for construction of a sidewalk on the south side of 10th Street between Adams Road and Ray Brown Park.

Council unanimously approved an agreement between the City and the Sand Springs Public School District authorizing the use of $47,862.00 for the use of enhanced security systems, including video camera installation. 

Council unanimously approved the use of $1,500,000 to construct a new building to replace Fire Station #2 in Prattville. The current building has undergone multiple remodels that have failed to improve upon chronic roof leaks, a history of mold issues, and an overall inadequate design.

This disused mill on old Highway 51 will soon serve as a welcome sign to the City. 

Council unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the execution of several projects, including the commissioning of a series of murals around the community. One location planned to be the recipient of a beautification project is the abandoned silo on the property of Riverview RV Park on old Highway 51 in Prattville. 

From The Editor: Sunday June 19, 2016

From the Editor’s Desk:

Greetings Sandites!

Thank you for reading the fourth edition of our new Sandite Pride News Weekly digital edition. We hope to be bringing this to you in a print format very soon!

If you’re new to our platform, I’d like to share our mission statement with you.

“Our mission is to improve our city by establishing relationships and building a family that works and stands together and celebrates each others' accomplishments.
We seek to be professional and factual, while maintaining compassion and honesty. We will report relevant stories in a timely manner from a positive perspective.
We will perform community outreach and look for opportunities to improve the quality of our environment. We will partner with local businesses, churches, youth groups, and other organizations, and support their visions for this community.”

What does all that mean? It means we’re here for you!

We want to help see your dreams through to fruition. We’re all Sandites, we’re all in this together, and it’ll take all of us working together to achieve the dream that Charles Page had for this great community! We strive to “think right” at Sandite Pride News, and that means helping the city any way we can.

Whether you’re a church, nonprofit organization, or even a for-profit business trying to do something special for the community, let us help you. Any free community event, such as church youth group events, vacation bible school programs, free movie nights, etc. are completely free to advertise with Sandite Pride!

We don’t look to profit off people trying to make a difference. Fundraisers where the host organization stands to profit are eligible for discounted rates on advertising as well. If 50% of the proceeds of your event go to charity, then your advertising is 50% off! And as always, we love our regular sponsors and advertisers who want to help support our vision. We offer full page, half page, banner ads, and more! Help us bring a light to this community and celebrate those who are achieving their dreams and putting this great city on the map.

We are always grateful for tips and information on any potential stories. Feel free to reach out today and make sure we know about your special events coming up! 

Scott Emigh

This article was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.

From The Editor: Sunday June 12, 2016

From the Editor’s Desk:

Greetings Sandites!

Thank you for reading the third edition of our new Sandite Pride News Weekly digital edition. We hope to be bringing this to you in a print format very soon!

This week’s edition is dedicated to a man very near to my heart, my late uncle, David Wayne Emigh.

David was the founding pastor of Word of Life Church in Sand Springs, and led our congregation for thirty years. In that time he touched countless lives, not just in our little community, but across the world.

From being a published author of three books and hundreds of magazines, to traveling the world in missions and founding hundreds of churches, David’s words have reached the hearts of many.

David means a lot to me, despite never getting to know him that well in life. I was only fifteen years old when he passed, and I wish that I had been closer to him. Overseeing a church of some seven-hundred people required a lot of David, but he still found time to check in on me when he could, taking me bowling, laser-tagging, and having me over for movies. We weren’t nearly as close as some uncles and nephews are, but I looked up to him then, and even more so now.

My parents split up in 2009, and despite his best efforts, my father wasn’t around as much as a son needs. I’m sure many of my readers can relate. When you’re a kid, you need role models, and you look for them wherever you can. Often times we turn to celebrities or athletes for inspiration. I was fortunate enough to have a great man to look up to, who left behind a smorgasbord of writings, videos, and recordings to learn from.

The five year anniversary of David’s untimely death is this Wednesday, June 15th. Our community lost an incredible human being, and many of us are still feeling the pain of loss.

Scott Emigh

This story was originally published in the Sandite Pride News Weekly Sunday edition.