Everything you missed at last night's busy City Council meeting
/Mayor Burdge reads and presents a proclamation recognizing L. Merle Parsons for his service
By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief
The City of Sand Springs held a busy City Council meeting Monday night, filled with informative presentations, recognition of service, mayoral appointments and proclamations, and much debate.
Mayor Mike Burdge read and presented a proclamation to L. Merle Parsons, recognizing his twelve years of voluntary service to the City Planning Commission. He has served as the Chairman of the Commission since 2009 and is resigning as of June 30th.
Mayor Burdge then proclaimed the summer of 2016 to be a "Summer of Reading" in the City of Sand Springs. Click here to read the full story.
The Council approved numerous measures under the consent agenda including the use of $30,036.50 for the purchase of a Trailer Mounted Patcher for the Street Department. The patcher will allow the Street Department to maintain asphalt temperature during transportation from the plant to the repair sites, making it easier to work with and mold to the existing streets. The current process involves transportation on an open flatbed work truck, meaning the asphalt has cooled by the time it arrives and is less pliable when filling potholes.
Parsons gives a farewell address to the Council
The Council also approved a contract of $38,597.20 to Direct Traffic Control for road striping in various sections of the city considered "average to poor." This includes sections of Park Road from Adams Road to 81st West Avenue, sections of Morrow Road from Highway 97 to Adams Road, and sections of 41st Street from Highway 97 to 129th.
The Council had scheduled to consider approval of a contract with Dewberry Architects for design of the new Public Safety Facility, but tabled it for the next meeting.
By request of Parks Director Grant Gerondale, the City approved an amended ordinance concerning overnight stay in Parks facilities. Currently, overnight camping is prohibited in City Parks. Exceptions for events such as Oklahoma Freewheel (SEE RELATED) and Chillin and Grillin Festival (SEE RELATED) must be taken to City Council. The amendment will allow for that decision to be made at the Parks staff level. The Council also approved a recommendation to close large sections of River City Park from Sunday September 4th through Monday September 5th to allow Great Raft Race organizers to properly prepare for the event and finish setup before the Labor Day launch.
Parks Director Grant Gerondale addresses the Council.
A Studio 45 representative gave a presentation showing upcoming parks projects. A full story will be posted soon. Councilman Phil Nollan gave a presentation on USDA Rural Development, a full story on that is to come. Alan Ringle of Ringle Development, LLC gave a presentation regarding his requests for de-annexation of two housing developments.
Vice Mayor John Fothergill was appointed to the District Six seat on the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Municipal League. Councilmen Fothergill, Jim Spoon, and Beau Wilson were appointed to the Council Legislative Committee. Councilmen Fothergill, Wilson, and Nollan were appointed to the Council Public Works Advisory Committee.
Mayor Burdge was appointed to the Indian Nations Council of Governments Board of Directors with City Manager Elizabeth Gray as an alternate. Councilmen Burdge and Fothergill were appointed to the INCOG General Assembly. Mayor Burdge was appointed to the INCOG Legislative Consortium with Gray as an alternate. Councilman Brian Jackson was appointed to the INCOG Tulsa Metropolitan Area Transportation Policy Committee.
Appointments to the Board of Adjustment, Development Authority, Personnel Board, and Parks Advisory Board were tabled for a later meeting. Councilwoman Patty Dixon and former Councilman Harold Neal were appointed to the Planning Commission.
City Financial Director Kelly Lamberson presented the regular monthly Financial Reports. According to Lamberson, overall revenue for the past month is down 2%, but the City spent 16.2% below projections. The Pogue Airport performance was up 4.5% from the prior month.
Gray reminded the Council that Arby's is the restaurant of the month for July as part of the City's Purchase with a Purpose Campaign.
According to Gray more than 100 homes registered with the City-Wide Yard Sale Map--double the number that participated last year. SEE RELATED.
In the Municipal Authority meeting the Board appointed Gray as an alternate to the Sand Springs-Sapulpa Joint Board and tabled the appointment of Airport Advisory Board members for a later meeting.
The Council retired to Executive Session "for the purpose of conferring on matters pertaining to economic development within the River West development area and for the purpose of conferring on other economic development projects in which public disclosure of the matter discussed would interfere with the confidentiality of the business...(and) for the purpose of conferring on matters pertaining to appraisal or acquisition of property for economic development purposes...and for the purpose of discussion related (to) possible claims against the Tulsa County Commissioners and/or Tulsa County Sheriff concerning jail operations..."