Residents give their opinions on Sand Springs in online survey

In the fall of 2015, the City of Sand Springs launched an online survey for residents of Sand Springs. More than 600 individuals responded, representing more than 3% of the population.

43.9% of residents view the image of Sand Springs as Good. 19.7% of residents have a negative view of the City. 44.5% of residents believe non-residents have a Below Average view of the City. 55.4% of residents believe non-residents have a positive image of Sand Springs.

28.4% of residents rank the quality of life in the city as High, 66.9% ranked it as Moderate, and 4.7% ranked it as Low.

79.8% over residents rank the quality of Public Safety as above average. 1.2% rank it as below average. 82.9% of residents are satisfied with Police services in Sand Springs while 1.8% are dissatisfied. 90.6% of residents feel safe while walking alone in their neighborhood. 71.3% of residents feel safe walking in downtown Sand Springs at night.

85.9% of residents are satisfied with Fire response services. 84.9% of residents are satisfied with the Emergency response service provided by the Fire Department.

49.3% of residents would definitely support a funding mechanism to hire additional police and fire personnel. 44.5% would possibly support it, and 6.1% would not support it. 

85.4% of residents are satisfied with the variety of housing for sale. 63.9% of residents are satisfied with the variety of housing for rent. 81.6% of residents are satisfied with the overall condition of housing.

76.5% of residents have a favorable view of the appearance of downtown. 74.7% of residents are satisfied with the appearance of the business areas outside of downtown. 

89.9% of residents sited Additional Retail/Restaurants as the primary development need in Sand Springs. 75.4% of residents listed Hardware/Home Improvement as the top retail need in Sand Springs. 93.2% of residents desire more Sit-down Establishments. 49.3% of residents visit Tulsa to eat very frequently. 

46.3% of residents would definitely like to see an increase in establishments providing night life opportunities. 71.1% of residents would definitely support the redevelopment of old industrial areas as something else other than industrial.

47.5% of residents definitely support the construction of the Sand Springs Dam, 43.9% would possibly support it, and 8.6% would not support it. 64.3% of residents would definitely support development of the Arkansas River, 30.9% would possibly support it, and 4.8% would not support it.

51% of residents definitely support a system of city-wide trails, 41.2% would possibly support it, and 7.8% are opposed. 

35.9% of residents would like to see additional Residential Development West of town, 31.6% said South of town, 24.4% said North of town, and 8.1% said East of town. 70.3% of residents are in favor of the annexation of additional lands into City Limits. 34.8% of residents support additional multi-family apartment complexes, with 24.9% opposed. 

25.7% of residents are dissatisfied with the Sand Springs Parks and Recreational Opportunities. 36.1% are dissatisfied with the quantity/quality of parks in Prattville. 33.5% are dissatisfied with the quantity/quality of parks on the North side.

73.6% of residents cited a need for the demolition or redevelopment of blighted areas. 35.4% of residents said the Street and Road Conditions were in the greatest need of public improvement. 59.8% of residents believe Sand Springs road conditions are the same as other communities, while 27.6% believe they are better and 12.7% believe they are worse.

If public funding is required to improve the city, 66.1% of residents would support a dedicated sales tax, 33.1% would support a revenue bond, 31.2% would support a property tax, 21.6% would support development fees, and 15.8% would support a surcharge on utilities. 

USDA rolls out new Rural Development loan opportunities for Sand Springs area

Realtor Kenny Tate speaks at a Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce press conference.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce hosted a press conference Thursday morning to unveil big news for current and future home owners in the Sand Springs community. For the first time in town history, large ares of Sand Springs are eligible for United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development loans. 

The orange-shaded area was previously ineligible for USDA rural development loans.

"An announcement of this kind has been a long time coming," said Kenny Tate, a realtor involved in the effort to get the USDA to re-examine the Sand Springs area. 

When parameters for eligibility were first laid out, the USDA utilized now-dated technology that resulted in the bulk of the Sand Springs area being considered urban. 

Buyers and builders in Sand Springs were unable to capitalize on the same financing opportunities that were helping neighboring communities to flourish. 

Newly adjusted map of rural development eligibility. 

When a window of opportunity opened last year, the Chamber of Commerce made it their top economic development goal. Since then, Tate has worked together with Alan Ringle of Ringle Development, City Councilman Phil Nollan, and numerous local business men and women, as well as members of State and local government to get the Sand Springs area reclassified. 

Thursday morning Tommy Earls, USDA OK Acting Program Director of Single Family Housing, officially announced that everywhere outside of City limits, but inside of the City fence-line is now eligible for zero-down rural finance loans, in both Tulsa and Osage counties. "This change probably took effect faster than any we've seen so far," said Earls. 

The Rural Development program offers two basic programs. Families making up to $49,000 may be eligible for the Direct Finance program which will qualify them for 100% mortgage financing with a $220,528 loan limit at a 3.25% interest rate. They can also qualify for zero down-payment and closing costs. The Guaranteed Loan program is available for families of higher incomes with 100% mortgage financing with no loan limits at a 3.625% interest rate. Guaranteed Loan recipients can even use that money toward an in-ground pool. 

"This is your firefighter married to a teacher. This is everyone you know. This is a big deal," said Tate. Some neighboring communities have even had eligibility instated within city limits. "It's a long shot, but we're looking to try. We're thrilled with what we have, but we'll continue to fight for more. This is really a big deal."

"The area affected includes more than 100 square miles," said Ringle. Some existing areas that are now eligible include Nottingham Forest, Wekiwa Hills, and Whispering Hills.

Those involved in the effort believe this will be a game-changer for Sand Springs by encouraging more families to relocate to and build in the area, thus growing the local economy. 

Sand Springs bans electronic-cigarettes on City property, approves purchase agreement with OmniTRAX

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs City Council unanimously voted Monday evening to ban the use of electronic cigarettes on all City property, including public parks. Ordinance No. 1290, presented by City Planner Brad Bates, amends the existing City of Sand Springs Tobacco Free City Properties and Buildings Ordinance to include vapor-based products that have gained popularity in recent year. 

The City of Sand Springs has been a "tobacco-free" city since 2009 in an effort to alleviate public health concerns and promote a healthy public environment. The City qualifies as a Certified Healthy Community and Certified Healthy Business through the State of Oklahoma's Certified Healthy program, entitling it to certain grant funding through the State Health Department. To-date, the City has received $50,000 that have been used toward healthy living and improvement studies. This new amendment is a step toward Gold Level recognition from the Health Department that would qualify the City for an additional $50,000 grant.

In other news, the Council unanimously approved the Consent Agenda, which is made up of items considered to be "routine," including:

  • Approval of Resolution No. 17-07 for the 2017 City Council Election.
    • Mayor Mike Burdge (Ward 3) and Vice-Mayor (Ward 4) will both be up for reelection in 2017. Citizens do not vote for Mayor or Vice-Mayor, but vote only on City Council positions. The Council itself elects a Mayor and Vice-Mayor from within.
    • The filing period will open December 5th, 2016 and will close December 7th, 2016. Candidates must reside within the Ward they are running for election in, and must be at-minimum 25 years of age by May 1st, 2017. If more than two candidates file for an office, a primary election will be held on Tuesday, February 14th, 2017. The general (runoff) election will be held April 4th, 2017. City Council elections are non-partisan. 
  • Approval of a Traffic Enforcement Agreement between the City of Sand Springs and the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office for reimbursement of overtime and operating expenses incurred for the grant period October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. 
    • The Sand Springs Police Department will receive a $50,000 grant from OHSO for the purpose of reimbursing overtime and operating expenses resulting from the targeting of impaired and aggressive drivers. It will also allow for a designee to travel to the Lifesavers Conference in Long Beach, California. 
  • Approval of an Emergency Management Performance Agreement between the City of Sand Springs and the Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management providing a 50/50 sub-grant portion of funds to develop comprehensive emergency preparedness for all hazards.
    • This is a routine fund-matching grant that the City has taken advantage of for nearly two decades. The City allocates $20,000 for emergency preparedness each year, and FEMA matches with a contribution of $20,000.
  • Acceptance of $20,090 from Sand Springs Park Friends, Inc.
    • This is the final portion of the $70,000 pledge by the Sand Springs Rotary Club for construction of the Rotary Super Splash Pad in River City Parks. 

Following the Consent Agenda, the Council also unanimously passed Resolution No. 17-08, with the purpose of informing Sand Springs citizens of potential impact of State Question 777 on the ability of the City to to regulate land use activities and other potential effects. 

SQ777, also known as the "Oklahoma Right to Farm Amendment," will be on the November 8, 2016 ballot as a proposed constitutional amendment. The specific text of the question can be viewed here. Resolution 17-08, drafted by Vice-Mayor John Fothergill, reminds citizens of the role local government plays in regulating land usage and zoning according to the community desires and needs. The full resolution can be read here.

City Council unanimously approved a resolution concerning the location of the future public safety facility for the City. Resolution 17-06 was unanimously passed, authorizing the City to purchase 10 acres at a cost of $1.00 per foot from OmniTRAX. The current planned location of the facility is on the South side of Morrow Road, across the street from the Walmart Supercenter. The transaction will cost the City approximately $435,600. The purchase is not final yet, but the terms of the agreement are not expected to change. 

Stone Villa Second addition.

Council unanimously approved the final plat for the new Stone Villa addition in South Sand Springs. The addition will include 87 lots on 19.8 acres.

In Council Correspondence, Pogue Airport and Airport Supervisor Ken Madison received praise for the quality of the airport and the hospitality of the administration. 

Boy Scout Troop 507 was on hand to observe the City Council meeting and get a taste of local government.