Residents give their opinions on Sand Springs in online survey

In the fall of 2015, the City of Sand Springs launched an online survey for residents of Sand Springs. More than 600 individuals responded, representing more than 3% of the population.

43.9% of residents view the image of Sand Springs as Good. 19.7% of residents have a negative view of the City. 44.5% of residents believe non-residents have a Below Average view of the City. 55.4% of residents believe non-residents have a positive image of Sand Springs.

28.4% of residents rank the quality of life in the city as High, 66.9% ranked it as Moderate, and 4.7% ranked it as Low.

79.8% over residents rank the quality of Public Safety as above average. 1.2% rank it as below average. 82.9% of residents are satisfied with Police services in Sand Springs while 1.8% are dissatisfied. 90.6% of residents feel safe while walking alone in their neighborhood. 71.3% of residents feel safe walking in downtown Sand Springs at night.

85.9% of residents are satisfied with Fire response services. 84.9% of residents are satisfied with the Emergency response service provided by the Fire Department.

49.3% of residents would definitely support a funding mechanism to hire additional police and fire personnel. 44.5% would possibly support it, and 6.1% would not support it. 

85.4% of residents are satisfied with the variety of housing for sale. 63.9% of residents are satisfied with the variety of housing for rent. 81.6% of residents are satisfied with the overall condition of housing.

76.5% of residents have a favorable view of the appearance of downtown. 74.7% of residents are satisfied with the appearance of the business areas outside of downtown. 

89.9% of residents sited Additional Retail/Restaurants as the primary development need in Sand Springs. 75.4% of residents listed Hardware/Home Improvement as the top retail need in Sand Springs. 93.2% of residents desire more Sit-down Establishments. 49.3% of residents visit Tulsa to eat very frequently. 

46.3% of residents would definitely like to see an increase in establishments providing night life opportunities. 71.1% of residents would definitely support the redevelopment of old industrial areas as something else other than industrial.

47.5% of residents definitely support the construction of the Sand Springs Dam, 43.9% would possibly support it, and 8.6% would not support it. 64.3% of residents would definitely support development of the Arkansas River, 30.9% would possibly support it, and 4.8% would not support it.

51% of residents definitely support a system of city-wide trails, 41.2% would possibly support it, and 7.8% are opposed. 

35.9% of residents would like to see additional Residential Development West of town, 31.6% said South of town, 24.4% said North of town, and 8.1% said East of town. 70.3% of residents are in favor of the annexation of additional lands into City Limits. 34.8% of residents support additional multi-family apartment complexes, with 24.9% opposed. 

25.7% of residents are dissatisfied with the Sand Springs Parks and Recreational Opportunities. 36.1% are dissatisfied with the quantity/quality of parks in Prattville. 33.5% are dissatisfied with the quantity/quality of parks on the North side.

73.6% of residents cited a need for the demolition or redevelopment of blighted areas. 35.4% of residents said the Street and Road Conditions were in the greatest need of public improvement. 59.8% of residents believe Sand Springs road conditions are the same as other communities, while 27.6% believe they are better and 12.7% believe they are worse.

If public funding is required to improve the city, 66.1% of residents would support a dedicated sales tax, 33.1% would support a revenue bond, 31.2% would support a property tax, 21.6% would support development fees, and 15.8% would support a surcharge on utilities.