March 22nd is officially Frank Cooper Day in Tulsa County, here's how you can celebrate

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Earlier this month, the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County declared today, March 22nd, 2016 to be Frank Cooper Day, in honor of the Charles Page High School social studies and leadership teacher Frank Cooper. 

Cooper has been a public school teacher for the past 23 years, after giving up a promising legal career to instead pursue a more fulfilling path. The proclamation reads what we all know, that "Mr. Cooper promotes core values of kindness, respect, honesty and affirmation so convincingly with students changing the entire culture of Charles Page High School."

Cooper has a long resume of recognition, including the 2016 Oklahoma Medal for Excellence and the University of Tulsa Secondary School Teacher Award for Inspiration. He was a 2014 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalist and was the subject of an American Story segment with Bob Dotson on NBC's Today show.

So how does one celebrate Frank Cooper Day?

Unfortunately there's no parade planned, but there are ways you can celebrate on your own.

Firstly, say the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. Cooper begins every day by leading his class in the pledge, a practice that is more and more uncommon in schools today.

Then, circle up with your fellow Sandites and sing the Alma Mater. 

Charles Page High forever, and true to her we'll be
for to our Alma Mater we owe our loyalty.
Our love is always with thee
as onward we will go.
Charles Page High forever, may she live eternally.

Then, turn this up full volume, and sing along as loud as you can. Get your whole workplace involved if you can. Sweet Caroline has been an anthem for the Charles Page students for years and is frequently played at sporting events and performed by the band. This arose from Cooper frequently playing it in class with full participation. 


If you're looking to make a Frank Cooper playlist for the day, be sure and include Sugar Hill Gang's "Rapper's Delight," Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice, Baby," Journey's "Don't Stop Believing," and as much Elvis as you can get your hands on.

Finally, spend the duration of the day giving positive affirmation to everyone you encounter, especially to those who you normally wouldn't. Be kind to everyone, strangers included, and make everyone feel welcome and appreciated. If you like, you can email Cooper at and let him know the impact he's made on your life or your student's life.