New trail soon to begin along Highway 97 in south Sand Springs
/The Park Road Trail connecting Adams Road with the Sand Springs Lake is nearing completion.
Sand Springs, OK - The City of Sand Springs announced Thursday that a new trail improvement project is scheduled to begin next week. The HWY 97 Trail Extension Project is funded in part by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and is designed to connect Sand Springs' vast trail network from 34th Street to 41st Street in south Sand Springs. All of the trail's routing will align on the eastern side of HWY 97.
"This is an important link for trail connectivity," stated City Engineer Derek Campbell. "As we move toward even greater trail synchronization with existing trail segments in Sand Springs, this link allows trail users to navigate in our town from north to south in a safe, well planned route."
The trail's construction is slated to commence on Monday, June 4, and should last 120 calendar days, barring any weather delays. The trail surface will be ten (10') foot wide and will be constructed of concrete. During the trail's construction there will be temporary closures at some commercial entrance drives which are connected to HWY 97. The construction plans instruct the contractor to keep at least one lane of each entrance open at all times during the work.
Citizens may have recently noticed the nearly completed Park Road Trail project, which also serves to better trail access within the community.
For information, photos and project updates on this trail project and other improvements around the Sand Springs community please follow the City of Sand Springs page on Facebook.