CPHS seniors host Valentine's Day Fun Night fundraiser

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Church That Matters is hosting a "Valentine's Day Fun Night" Friday, February 12th, as a fundraiser for the Charles Page High School Senior Class Trip.

Senior English teacher Chelynn Broughton, along with several student mothers, will be chaperoning a Senior Class Cruise to Cozumel this summer.

The students have worked hard all year to raise money for the trip which thirty students have signed up to participate in, but are still well behind their goal.

The event will be open to all children in third though sixth grade.

In addition to the Fun Night, two other fundraisers are available.

Mrs. Broughton has created a "Go Fund Me" account where you can make a direct cash contribution at https://www.gofundme.com/4cm2ftck

Melissa Cremin Photography has pledged to donate $50 to the trip for every photoshoot that is sent her way. Just call to book your appointment and mention that you're doing it for the Senior Class Cruise. https://www.facebook.com/melissacreminphotography