Kevin Stitt, Jadine Nollan win Republican nominations in runoff

Four-term incumbent Jadine Nollan won the Republican nomination for House District 66 in a runoff Tuesday evening, defeating Sand Springs City Councilman Brian Jackson.

With all precincts reporting, Nollan defeated Jackson with 59.87% of the 3,125 total ballots cast. Jackson received 1,254 votes. 

Nollan is a Sand Springs native, Charles Page High School and Oklahoma State University alumni, and former Sand Springs Board of Education President. She will meet Democratic nominee Angela Graham in the November election.

Gateway Mortgage executive Kevin Stitt defeated former Oklahoma City mayor Mick Cornett with 54.56% of 302,077 ballots for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Former Party Chair Chris Powell won the Libertarian Party nomination with 59.07% of 926 votes over Rex Lawhorn. They will meet Democratic nominee Drew Edmondson in the general election.

Matt Pinnell defeated Dana Murphy with 58.14% of the vote for the Lieutenant Governor nomination. State Senator Anastasia Pittman secured the Democratic nomination in June and the two will also face Independent Dr. Ivan Holmes, former chair of the State Democratic Party. 

Cindy Byrd defeated Charlie Prater in a close race with 50.17% for the State Auditor and Inspector Republican nomination. She will face Libertarian nominee John Yeutter.

Incumbent Mike Hunter won a close race for the Attorney General nomination with 50.05% over Gentner Drummond. He will face Democratic nominee Mark Myles.

Incumbent Superintendent of Public Education Joy Hofmeister handily fended off Linda Murphy with 56.68% of the vote. She will face Democratic nominee Dr. John Cox and Independent Dr. Larry Huff. 

Leslie Osborn defeated Cathy Costello with 52.35% of votes for the Commissioner of Labor nomination. She will face Democrat Fred Dorrell and Independent Brandt Dismukes. 

Bob Anthony attained 53.61% of the vote for the Corporation Commissioner Republican nomination over Brian Bingman. Ashley McCray won the Democratic nomination with 65.08% over Blake Cummings. They will face Independent Jackie Short in November. 

McDonald's franchisee Kevin Hern defeated former Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris with 54.92% of the vote in the U.S. Representative Republican runoff for District 1. Tim Gilpin won the Democratic nomination with 59.38% over Amanda Douglas. 

Incumbent Republican District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler defended his nomination against Ben Fu with 56.61% of the vote in District 14. He will face Democrat Jenny Proehl-Day in November. 

Representative Jadine Nollan endorsed by James Lankford for fifth term

Incumbent Representative Jadine Nollan was recently endorsed by U.S. Senator James Lankford. (SUBMITTED).

Jadine Nollan is a household name in the Sand Springs community. After ten years on the Sand Springs Board of Education followed by eight years in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, she’s asking for House District 66 voters to trust her with another term in the State Legislature.

A lifelong Sandite and 1977 Charles Page High School graduate, Jadine Cox met her future husband, now City Councilman Phil Nollan, at Oklahoma State University. The two have been married for 37 years and have three kids, two granddaughters, and a cat. Each of their children attended Sand Springs Public Schools.

“This is a job that will take as much as you will give it,” says Nollan, who is a full time representative with no private sector career. “I try to be really devoted, I do a lot of research. I try to be in the community.”  Before running for State office she was the director at Sand Springs Community Services, assisting the low-income community with clothing, school supplies, and food. She also served multiple terms as the Sand Springs Board of Education President.

Nollan is the chairwoman for the Higher Education and Career Tech committee and also serves on the Appropriations and Budget Education committee, the Children, Youth, and Family Services committee, and the Common Education committee.

“One thing I learned during the teacher walkout after talking to teachers from all over our state is there are still a lot of issues we need to look at and try to improve in their situations. I do think that we need to continue to discuss how we can make our school systems strong,” says Nollan.

“Our school districts are the ones that actually develop a strong workforce. We have to have a strong workforce in order to have strong businesses. We have to have strong businesses in order to have a strong economy.”

Keeping with that mission, Nollan authored House Bill 2155 which passed both chambers and was signed into law by Governor Mary Fallin in May of 2017. The bill required the State Board of Education to adopt a statewide system of college and career planning tools that would help parents, counselors, and teachers to develop an individualized career-based learning plan for students. 

“One goal I have and would like to see take place is making a very clear pathway for our students to be able to earn an Associate’s degree by the time they finish high school. Our biggest workforce needs right now are Associate’s degrees and career-tech certifications. So I’d really like to see us focus on that.”

She also authored HB3220 which will help streamline the process of approving emergency certifications for teachers during the current statewide teacher shortage. That bill was signed into law in May of 2018.

HB3225 is another bill Nollan is excited about authoring. “When I was elected I found out we had millions of dollars in tax credits that the State was paying, but we weren’t tracking them at all.”

The Legislature created the Incentive Evaluation Commission in 2015, but HB3225 takes it a step further and will put all State incentives online for anyone to view them.

“The State has these blank checks that they’re writing for these incentives, but we don’t understand how they’re growing. I had this idea that kind of snowballed into a real time dashboard concept for tax credits that would measure and monitor the growth of them. What the bill does, is it directs the Oklahoma Tax Commission to develop a real-time dashboard and put it on their website. That way, with the constant turnover in the legislative body, it would allow them to have a resource for future legislators to be able to determine how those are growing.”

The bill garnered bipartisan support and passed the Senate unanimously before being signed into law this May. The OTC has until January of 2020 to develop and launch the program.

Nollan says she supports the will of the people regarding State Question 788 legalizing medical marijuana, but says the Legislature will have to work to create a strong framework for the industry. She is concerned with how the state workforce might be affected should voters ever push to legalize recreational marijuana.

Minimum wage should remain at its current level, according to Nollan. “Of course you want people to be able to survive, but I also think that businesses need to be able to determine those rates so it doesn’t put the business in jeopardy.”

Nollan also wants to provide context surrounding a controversial attempt by House Democrats to end the Capital Gains tax deduction during the latest session.

Senate Bill 1086 passed 30 votes to 9, but according to Nollan there was an agreement in the House that Republican leadership would vote to increase the Gross Production Tax on new oil wells if Democrats agreed not to push for Capital Gains. After HB1010xx passed, raising GPT from 2% to 5%, Democrats then attempted to suspend House rules to vote on SB1086.

Nollan says she would be open to considering SB1086, but because House leadership didn’t expect it to go to the floor, the bill never went through the standard process of committee review. “The unintended consequences had not been vetted or researched,” says Nollan. She says the House never takes bills straight from the Senate and votes on them without going through committee first.

Nollan wants to remind voters of all the progress that the Legislature has already made in the past few years, especially HB1023xx which raised Oklahoma teacher pay to second in the region with an average increase of $6,100. The Fiscal Year 2019 education budget, which already passed the legislature, includes a 19% increase in education funding with allocations for textbooks and support staff raises.

She also points to the Energy Stabilization Fund created in 2016, which banks energy revenue during boom years to help stabilize the budget during oil busts.

“67% of our legislative body after this cycle will have less than two years’ experience. There’s some issues with regard to institutional memory. It’s such a huge learning curve whenever you first start: understanding the process and understanding such a wide variety of issues that our state has to deal with.”

“That’s something that I think is noteworthy,” says Nollan. “It does put a lot of power into the hands of the lobbyists, the agency heads, the bureaucrats, when there’s such a large turnover in the legislative body.”

Nollan holds an “A” rating from the Research Institute for Economic Development, a 100% rating from the National Federation of Independent Business, an apple from the Oklahomans for Public Education group, a 100% rating from Oklahomans for Life and the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, and “A” ratings from the National Rifle Association and the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association. She has endorsements from U.S. Senator James Lankford, the Tulsa Regional Chamber, and the Oklahoma State Chamber.

The Republican Primary will be held on Tuesday, June 26th. Nollan will face Emily Delozier and Sand Springs City Councilman Brian Jackson. If no candidate receives at least 50% of the votes, then the top two candidates will advance to a runoff election on August 28th. The winner will face the Democratic nominee on November 6th.

Sand Springs teacher Angela Graham running for House District 66

In the midst of a statewide teacher walkout, thousands of public educators rallied outside the State Capitol building to lobby for increased education funding. While many construction workers refused to cross the picket line to work on the Capitol remodel, one group of individuals was eagerly encouraged to enter the building: legislative candidates.

382 candidates filed to run for the House of Representatives, many with a goal of affecting major change in what some perceive as a stagnant legislature with no dedication to fighting for everyday Oklahomans. Among them was Angela Graham, who hopes to secure the Democratic Party’s nomination on June 26th for House District 66, representing Sand Springs and Northwest Tulsa.

Sandite Pride News sat down with Graham for an interview this past week at Napoli’s Italian Restaurant in downtown Sand Springs. Graham, a native Sandite, likes to keep her tax dollars as local as possible to support the small town economy. Graham currently resides in Sand Springs and both of her children attend public schools.

Graham graduated Charles Page High School in 1999, earned an Associate’s Degree in Elementary Education, and graduated from the University of Phoenix with a Bachelor’s in Human Services and Mental Health. She currently teaches Pre-K at Deborah Brown Community School in downtown Tulsa.

Now she wants to teach the State Legislature a lesson on how to treat its citizens.  

Foremost on Graham’s mind is creating a diverse and sustainable tax base to fully fund education, infrastructure, and social services.

“When we are in a revenue failure, we should be looking at every option to get sustainable revenue for schools and roads and bridges,” says Graham.

Graham wants to end the Capital Gains tax deduction, which allows Oklahomans to avoid paying taxes on income from the sale of Oklahoma real estate or stock in Oklahoma-based firms.

She also wants to take another look at increasing the gross production tax on new oil wells. Oklahoma oil wells are taxed at 7% after their first 36 months, but were previously only taxed at 2% for the first three years. House Bill 1010xx, passed in the latest legislative session, raised that rate to 5%.

“The oil is here. They’re going to pay 7% or 9%, they’re going to stay in Oklahoma.”

Graham is a strong critic of the Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite! organization, which is circulating a veto referendum petition to undo HB1010xx.

“They’re not really concerned about everyday Oklahomans and regressive taxes…they are concerned about protecting special interests and big oil in Oklahoma. They’re not really fighting for everyday Oklahomans.”

She also feels like HB1010xx contained many regressive taxes, and sympathizes with legislators who didn’t feel comfortable voting in favor of that package.  

“I absolutely understand legislators that refused to sign that because they didn’t want poor folks being taxed more. And I also understand legislators that listened to their constituents and signed that because it was a place to start. Sometimes the vehicle for change isn’t perfect.”

Specifically Graham wasn’t fond of what she calls “moral taxes” on cigarettes and cigars.

She is also opposed to consolidating administration or looking for wasteful spending in public school districts. “I think that’s already been done. We’ve cut everything that we can, we’ve combined everything we can combine. Schools in West Tulsa that affect our district have been shut down. It’s always okay to look at wasteful spending, but there’s nothing left to cut.”

“We’re not in the mess because there’s fraud and abuse at such a rampant level that it’s caused a revenue failure for ten years. We’re in this mess because we don’t have sustainable revenue.”

She was against the “David Boren” one-cent sales tax that was defeated as a State Question in 2016, saying it was a regressive tax that disproportionately affects low income and impoverished Oklahomans.

On the workforce, Graham wants to see labor unions strengthened, wants to undo Oklahoma’s right to work laws, and wants to avoid offering tax incentives to large companies that don’t provide high-paying full-time jobs for their employees. She also supports raising the minimum wage to $15.

“There’s a problem in Oklahoma with stagnant wages with a minimum wage that keeps people poor, and those are large corporations that then also reap the benefits of their employees spending food stamp money in those same businesses.”

“When we pay living wages to everyday Oklahomans, they invest it back in the economy. Every penny that low income middle class workers make – they spend it. They’re not accruing more wealth. It’s good economics to pay them more money because it helps the sales tax, it invests in property tax, it’s just good business and it’s also moral to pay a fair and living wage.”

Graham wants to see a major overhaul of the criminal justice and foster care systems in Oklahoma.

“We are spending an insane amount of money criminalizing everyday folks in Oklahoma. When we are spending more to incarcerate grown adults than we are on per pupil spending – that’s a problem.”

She also wants to eliminate the cash bail system and wants to help ex-cons expunge their criminal records.

Graham opposed the passage of SB1140 which allows private adoption agencies not receiving tax dollars to refuse to adopt to couples whose lifestyles are in conflict with the moral or religious beliefs of the agency, specifically LGBTQIA families. That bill also drew condemnation from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who responded by banning State-funded travel to Oklahoma.

“We have a broken foster care system in Oklahoma. We have thousands of children in Oklahoma that are in desperate need of loving families. We should never make it harder for loving families to adopt children in need. It’s discriminatory, it shouldn’t have been introduced. It’s an attack on a vital part of our community.”

Graham would also like to see the foster care system expanded to provide services for young adults who “age out” of the system when they turn eighteen.  

Low voter turnout is a big point of concern for Graham, who would like to see Election Day become a national holiday. As a state she would like to see automatic voter registration with an opt-out available.

Graham personally opposed the recent Constitutional Carry bill passed by the legislature and vetoed by Governor Mary Fallin. Despite coming from a family that hunts and partakes in recreational shooting, she still believes that gun owners should go through State licensing to carry sidearms in public.

“I would have personally been opposed to (Constitutional Carry), however I understand that the polling from most of the folks in House District 66 were for it. And so when I’m elected there will come a time when I might be personally opposed to something, but if my district is telling me to vote that way, even if it goes against my party, I’m going to be required to represent their needs. And if I ever do have to draw a line in the sand, I would be transparent and make sure they understand my reasoning.”

Graham has never before run for public office, but has served in a number of volunteer capacities, including as Precinct Chair for the Democratic Party. She is an anti-racist worker with Aware Tulsa, the local chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice. She has also volunteered with the Parent-Child Center of Tulsa, working with their anti-bullying coalition.

Of the 125 legislative seats up for election this year, nineteen candidates filed completely unopposed and 99 filed unopposed within their party. Three Republicans filed for the District 66 seat, including incumbent Jadine Nollan.

Graham will take on former restaurant owner Rusty Rowe in the Democratic Primary on June 26th.

SEE RELATED: Tulsa restaurateur Rusty Rowe campaigns for Oklahoma House District 66

House District 66 candidates focus on education at Sand Springs Chamber forum

Left to right: Jadine Nollan, Angela Graham, Brian Jackson, Emily Delozier. Not pictured: Rusty Rowe.

All five candidates for Oklahoma House District 66 spoke at a forum sponsored by the Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce Monday afternoon at the Tulsa Tech Sand Springs campus. 

Three Republicans and two Democrats spoke on issues ranging from infrastructure to mental health, but the focal point of the luncheon was the state of public education funding. 

Democrat Angela Graham is a Pre-K teacher, lifelong Sandite, and Charles Page High School graduate. 

"We have a broken legislature...that has chosen to stop fighting for us," says Graham, who is running on a heavy education platform and hopes to bring raises to Oklahoma teachers and support staff.

Additionally she wants to see all Oklahomans with health insurance, and wants to reduce statewide incarceration particularly among the female population. A big point for Graham is to undo Oklahoma’s “right-to-work” status and strengthen labor unions.

Democrat Rusty Rowe is a former restaurateur, owning and operating Mod's Coffee and Crepes in downtown Tulsa for seven years before closing shop in December of last year. He lives with his wife of ten years and two children in northwest Tulsa. 

"I decided to run because I feel like our current group of legislators have been given opportunities to invest in teachers, students, working class people, and small business owners like myself, and it seems like they often put the needs of their donors before the needs of their people," said Rowe. "I want someone who's listening to the entire district. Not just the Republicans, not just the Democrats - everybody."

"I've been talking to a doctorate of economics...a mayor, city officials, the chief of police, city planners, teachers, school administrators - to make sure that when I say something, it's been researched and I have some teeth to it. I'm not just armchair quarterbacking things."

Current Sand Springs City Councilman and former Senate District 37 candidate Brian Jackson is running as a Republican. Jackson is the Development Manager at Junior Achievement of Eastern Oklahoma and his wife is a public school teacher in Sand Springs. His daughter also attends Sand Springs Public Schools. 

"We need a representative that doesn't give up, that will go against the political parties and remember it's about the people," says Jackson.

Jackson was censured by the Republican Party of Tulsa County during the 2016 Senate race for vowing to support Democratic candidate Lloyd Snow against Republican incumbent Dan Newberry, who Jackson considered to be anti-education. The Oklahoma Republican Party's State Central Committee voted in May to uphold a ban preventing Jackson from accessing the OKGOP Datacenter Program.

Republican Emily Delozier is a fourth generation Sandite with a Bachelor's degree in business from the University of Tulsa and three Associate of the Arts degrees from Tulsa Community College. 

Delozier spoke in opposition of raising taxes, and in favor of consolidating school districts to eliminate administrative overhead and return education dollars to the classroom. 

Incumbent Republican Jadine Nollan is a lifelong Sandite and former Sand Springs Board of Education member. She spoke regarding her past eight years in office and the difficulties the legislature has overcome during her tenure.

"When I was elected in 2011, our country was in a national recession...Oklahoma went into an oil bust...we had pensions that were failing...we had crumbling roads and bridges...we had a worker's compensation system that was one of the most expensive in the nation, we had a capitol building that had been neglected and was unsafe," said Nollan. "We were not tracking any of our tax credits, evaluating them, measuring them, or monitoring them at that point...We had a revenue problem and we were not going to be able to cut our way out of it, though a lot of people still believe that we could."

Nollan pointed to the Oklahoma Incentives Commission, the Energy Stabilization Fund, the Governor's Closing Fund, a revamp of the worker's compensation system, the rainy-day fund, an eight-year plan for transportation, and the Capitol remodel as legislative successes.

According to Nollan, State pension funds are all nearing solvency and the Oklahoma Tax Commission is developing a real-time dashboard to measure and monitor tax credits online. 

Nollan holds a 93% rating from the Research Institute for Economic Development, a 100% rating from the National Federation of Independent Businesses, a 50% rating on The Oklahoma Constitution conservative index, a 100% rating from Oklahomans for Life, a 59% rating from the American Conservative Union, a "Pro-Public Education" assessment from Oklahoma Parents and Educators for Public Education, an "F" on the Sierra Club environmental scorecard, and an "A" on the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association scorecard. 

All candidates but Delozier vowed not to sign the Oklahoma Taxpayers United referendum petition overturning a historic revenue bill passed this past legislative session to fund teacher pay raises. If the petition garners 42,000 signatures by July 18, a State Question will appear on the November ballots asking Oklahoma voters to veto the package. 

HB1010xx is expected to raise $447 million in annual revenue by increasing the gross production tax to 5% on all new oil wells, increasing the cigarette tax by $1 per pack, increasing the gasoline tax by three cents, and increasing the diesel tax by six cents. The money is intended to fund pay raises averaging more than $6,000 for Oklahoma public school teachers.

An opinion published by the Oklahoma Attorneys General states that if HB1010xx is overturned, teacher pay raises will remain intact, but the funding mechanism will be removed and legislators will have to find other ways to back the raises. 

Not only has Delozier signed the petition she is also an active member of Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite and has copies of the petition available for signatures. 

"You don't want something that's going to raise the price of all goods," said Delozier. "It's not good for Oklahoma. We still have people trying to get on their feet and get a job. You can't raise the price of hauling everything and not expect to raise the price of everything."

The primary election will be held June 26th with the deadline to request absentee ballots set for June 20th at 5:00 p.m. Early Voting will be the 21st-22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the 23rd from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

Tulsa restaurateur Rusty Rowe campaigns for Oklahoma House District 66

On Monday, April 9th, nearly two hundred female attorneys descended on the Oklahoma State Capitol building to lobby on behalf of public educators. Among them was University of Tulsa student Colleen McCarty, whose trip to Oklahoma City inspired her husband, Rusty Rowe, to make the drive two days later. 

Rowe, 35, took the opportunity to file for candidacy in the race for State Representative of District 66. He will take on Angela Graham in the Democratic primary on June 26. Sandite Pride News recently sat down for an interview with Rowe.

Rowe and McCarty will celebrate their tenth anniversary in July. The two have a six-year-old daughter and an eighteen-month boy. The couple owned and operated Mod's Coffee and Crepes in downtown Tulsa for seven years before closing in December. During his time in the restaurant industry Rowe was Vice President on the Art Deco District Owners Association Board for six years. 

"I've been running other peoples' restaurants and my own restaurants for fifteen years and I never really had time to jump into the political realm. This is the first time everything really lined up and I felt a calling to do more than I've been doing."

Rowe identifies as a moderate, and has voted for both republicans and democrats in recent elections. "If it's a good idea, I don't care if there's an 'R' or a 'D' next to your name. It should be supported and fleshed out." 

"I don't think they did enough," said Rowe, regarding the most recent legislative session.

Last month Governor Mary Fallin signed into law House Bill 1010xx, creating $447 million in new revenue and generating an average pay raise of $6,100 for public school teachers.

"The only reason it's historic that it got that much, is because of how much they've cut out of education," claims Rowe. "They lowered the budget 28%, and now they're bragging about raising it 19%. That's not an accomplishment."

Education isn't the only department to take a hit in Oklahoma. According to the Oklahoma Policy Institute, the Fiscal Year 2017 budget is 15% less across the board than the budget for 2007 when adjusted for inflation. In that stretch of time, Oklahoma public school enrollment has risen by 50,000.

"We don't have reliable revenue sources anymore. You need to be investing in things that bring in money. If you don't have a good education system, you don't have people getting good-paying jobs and buying things. That's our two biggest sources of revenue, income tax and sales tax."

Rowe was also wary of HB3375, legalizing craps and roulette at tribal casinos, and an increased cigarette tax included in HB1010xx. "I'm happy for any revenue streams, but we're counting on people's addictions to fund our state, while battling addiction. It doesn't seem sustainable."

Consolidation of school districts is a cost-saving solution often proposed by Oklahoma conservatives, and is something Rowe is at least willing to consider.

"I think we need to look at everything, every aspect of it. Look at what other states have done that have had success. Base it off proven policies, not just armchair quarterbacking."

"I'm not opposed to looking at how many superintendents we have over how many schools. There's probably consolidation that would help. I don't want to consolidate actual schools, because a lot of time schools are the identity of the town."

"But, if there's a superintendent that could be over multiple schools and the data proves that it would not hurt the schools and would save money to do that, I think that's worth looking into."

Criminal Justice Reform was another cornerstone of Rowe's concerns. 

"We need to up revenues everywhere we can, and a lot of the time that's not raising taxes. My father went to drug court for a DUI. He would get called in randomly for tests to see if he had anything to drink. It removes the danger he posed, but it kept him in his community. If he would have went to prison, when he got out he wouldn't have his apartment, he wouldn't have his job, and he'd be in poverty."

"Instead of making him a tax burden forever and making us pay to house him, he continued to work, continued to buy groceries, continued to generate income tax, continued to generate sales tax, and continued to pay into the system and into his community."

Regarding medical marijuana, Rowe believes it should legalized and regulated similarly to any other prescription medication. Not a recreational marijuana advocate, he is open to legalization with regulations similar to those leveled against cigarettes and alcohol.

Rowe is a big proponent of social services due to his own familial reliance on government assistance during his childhood.

"My parents got a divorce and my mom raised my brother and me. She had to use Emergency Infant Services to get me diapers and formula. She had to use Domestic Violence Intervention Services. She's an extremely strong person. She asked for help when she needed it, and she was able to work her way up to not needing it anymore."

Rowe wants to bring reform to government assistance programs and introduce sliding scales for assistance based on income, so recipients don't need to maintain low income to receive help. 

He splits with his party on minimum wage, believing that the "Fight for $15" campaign is unrealistic and should be somewhere closer to $10-12.

"I owned a small business. Mom and Pop shops can't afford to pay somebody $15 an hour. You're going to shut down small businesses, bigger businesses are going to automate half their workforce, so you've just had a big net loss of jobs."

Rowe believes in ending tax incentives for the wind energy industry now that farms have been built throughout the state. 

"When I owned a restaurant, I wouldn't put my best-selling menu item on sale. People are already buying that. You take the new one that you want people to get interested in, and you put that on sale. And that sale only lasts a certain amount of time."

He also wants to raise gross production tax on new oil wells to 7% and wants the government to avoid subsidizing dips in the oil industry. 

"It's not the government's job to bail out your company because you didn't do what other companies have to do and pivot. Take your welders that are used to building pipelines, have them build wind farms. Take your engineers that are used to building loops, have them start working on solar efficiency. A company needs to be smart and start investing in that other stuff."

"People are different, but there are some core things that we all share. We all want safety for ourselves and our family. We all want the opportunity to pursue our own happiness. These are common things that both sides want."

Of the 125 legislative seats up for election this year, nineteen candidates filed completely unopposed and 99 filed unopposed within their party. Three Republicans filed for the District 66 seat, including incumbent Jadine Nollan. 

All five candidates for District 66 will be speaking at the Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce Open Forum on June 4th at Tulsa Tech's Sand Springs campus at 12:00 p.m. Rib Crib will be catered in and RSVP is required. Contact to reserve your seat. 

Sharp files special election funding legislation

OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Mary Fallin called nine special elections last year following legislators leaving office mid-term. In an effort to protect taxpayer dollars, Sen. Ron Sharp has filed legislation to use the remaining campaign funds of departing members to pay for their districts’ special elections. 

“When we run for office, we take an oath to uphold Oklahoma’s Constitution and serve our constituents faithfully,” said Sharp, R-Shawnee. “Taxpayers shouldn’t be burdened with a large special election bill when someone quits midterm to seek other opportunities or they’re removed from office because of legal or ethical issues. This bill will remove some of that taxpayer burden by using members’ remaining campaign funds to cover some of the costs of special elections.” 

Senate Bill 1006 would place the members’ campaign funds in the State Election Board Revolving Fund up to the amount incurred by the state for conducting the Special Election.  

According to the Oklahoma Election Board, special elections for the House of Representatives cost, on average, $8,000 to $12,000 for a primary or general and double that amount for both. A Senate primary or general special election costs an estimated $18,000 to $22,000 and twice that if both are necessary.

Special elections are called when members resign mid-term, are expelled by the legislature through a two-thirds vote or are removed from office because of ethical or legal issues.  

After leaving office, any campaign funds not obligated for campaign or officeholder expenses can be retained for future campaigns (for the next succeeding term for the same office or for a different state elective office, excluding a judicial office), donated to a charitable organization, returned to any contributor in the amount they donated, contributed to a political party committee up to $25,000 or used to purchase item(s) to donate to a charitable organization. Members may also donate leftover funds directly to the state as well as any county, city, town or school district.

House Representative Jadine Nollan appointed as State Director for NFWL

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Representative Jadine Nollan has been selected to serve in leadership for the nation’s oldest non-partisan organization addressing the needs of elected women at all levels of government.

Nollan was recently appointed to serve as the 2017 Oklahoma State Director for the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL).

“I am excited and feel very honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Oklahoma State Director for the National Foundation for Women Legislators and look forward to working with the organization to help promote leadership development and effective governance at the state, county and municipal level. This organization serves as a valuable resource for women in elected positions and I am pleased to have been appointed to serve in this capacity.”

“We are so proud Representative Nollan has accepted a leadership position in our Foundation,” stated Minnesota State Senator Carrie Ruud, NFWL’s 2017 Chair. “NFWL’s theme for 2017 is leadership, and Representative Nollan exemplifies this theme. She will play a key role in aiding elected women in Oklahoma, as we continue to grow as an organization.”

Nollan begins serving in her new position immediately and will hold this office through the end of 2018.

Governor Fallin signs legislation streamlining sex offender registration

Legislation improving the state’s sex offender registry law has been signed by the governor.  Senate Bill 217, by Sen. AJ Griffin and Rep. Mike Osburn, modifies Oklahoma’s current sex offender registration law to streamline the notification process between local law enforcement, the courts and the Department of Corrections (DOC) and, in certain cases, will require notification of the Department of Human Services (DHS) as well. It also directs courts assigning sex offender registration levels to follow the guidelines used by the state’s sex offender level assignment committee.

“The purpose of the sex offender registry continues to be public safety—to make sure law enforcement knows where registered sex offenders are living, and making that information available to our citizens,” said Griffin, R-Guthrie. “This legislation streamlines the notification process, ensures greater consistency in assigning levels for registration, and adds an additional requirement for informing DHS when a sex offender returns to a home where his or her minor children, step-children or grandchildren live.”

“When a convicted sex offender reenters society, it is important to maintain checks and oversight. At the end of the day the goal is to protect Oklahoma children and all law abiding citizens,” said Osburn, R-Edmond. “Senator Griffin and I want to thank our fellow members for their support on this measure and to Governor Fallin for signing it into law.”

The DHS notification requirement was a request of the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth. Current law allows registered sex offenders to live with their own children, step-children or grandchildren, but under the provisions of SB 217, when the sex offender returns to that home, DHS will be notified.

“If an incident is brought to that agency’s attention, they will know immediately that a sex offender lives in the home, highlighting the need to accelerate their investigation of the situation,” Griffin said.

The assignment of “levels” to convicted sex offenders determines how long they must register with law enforcement based on their assessed risk of reoffending as established by the state’s sex offender level assignment committee. That committee assigns those levels for offenders who are actually incarcerated. The change in SB 217 ensures that when courts assign a level in the case of probation, suspended or deferred sentences, the criteria for doing so is the same as that of the committee.

SB 217 takes effect November 1, 2017.

This press release was submitted by the Oklahoma State Senate media department. 

Any opinions expressed or implied are those of the author and do not reflect an editorial endorsement by Sandite Pride News. 

Sandite Pride News encourages community submissions regardless of platform or position, to effect a constructive dialogue about any issues affecting our community. 

SB 217 passed the House of Representatives by an 87-4 vote and the Senate by a unanimous 42-0 vote. Representative Jadine Nollan and Senator Dan Newberry, whose districts include Sand Springs, both voted in favor of the measure.

Click here to locate sex offenders in the Tulsa County area.

Gov. signs ‘Kristin’s Law’; measure will better protect domestic violence victims


Legislation that changes the legal definition of “pattern of physical abuse” has been signed into law. Senate Bill 1491, also known as Kristin’s Law, authored by Senator Bryce Marlatt and Representative Scott Biggs, was approved by Governor Mary Fallin on Wednesday.  Marlatt said the change will enable tougher penalties to be handed down sooner—a change that could help save lives.

“Studies of cases right here in Oklahoma show that in the vast majority of domestic violence cases that ended in homicide there was prior evidence of domestic abuse,” said Marlatt, R-Woodward. “Domestic violence tends to escalate. The more incidents that happen, the more dangerous the situation becomes. By applying stronger penalties sooner, hopefully we can stop some of these offenders before it’s too late. I appreciate the tremendous bipartisan support in both chambers and am grateful to Governor Fallin for signing this bill into law.”

Under current law, there must be three or more separate incidences of domestic abuse within the previous twelve months. Kristin’s Law would reduce that by requiring two separate incidents of domestic abuse to establish that pattern, and it would no longer be required that the two incidents must have happened in the previous year. If that pattern is established, conviction carries a penalty of up to ten years in prison and/or a fine of up to $5,000.

“I cannot stress enough the importance of reducing domestic violence,” said Biggs, R-Chickasha, a former prosecutor. “Spouses often have little recourse when the person who is supposed to be in their corner is instead their victimizer. I think this legislation will help us to intervene more quickly and increase the protection of domestic violence victims. I thank Governor Fallin for her support of this legislation.”

Kristin’s Law will become effective November 1, 2016.

Senate approves ‘Stolen Valor’ legislation


The full Senate approved a measure by Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman and Representative James Leewright that is aimed at ending the practice of “stolen valor.”  The bill was approved 44 to 2.

House Bill 2450, by Bingman and Leewright, increases the fine for an act of “stolen valor,” which involves impersonating a member of the Armed Forces by wearing any decoration or medals awarded to members of the Armed Forces. The fine would be increased from $100 to $1,000 under HB 2450.

“‘Stolen valor’ is a serious offense and is demeaning to those who have served and those who are serving in the military. Increasing the fine for impersonating a veteran should discourage anyone from engaging in this despicable practice. This measure helps protect the integrity and honor that comes with serving in our nation’s Armed Forces. We value that service, our veterans and their families and this measure is one way we can express our gratitude to them,” said Bingman, R-Sapulpa.

The Senate leader noted it was just a week ago that lawmakers met in a special joint session to honor the 45th Infantry and the Oklahoma National Guard.

“Medals were awarded to men and women who exemplify the courage, dedication, patriotism and professionalism that is a hallmark of those who wear a uniform,” Bingman said.  “Those who fraudulently display those medals and decorations will face even stronger penalties once this legislation becomes law.”

Leewright thanked the Senate for their support of the measure.

“It’s incredibly important that we protect the legacy of our veterans from misuse.  I appreciate the bipartisan support this bill has received and look forward to it being signed into law,” said Leewright, R-Bristow.

The bill now heads to the governor’s desk.

Full Senate approves ‘Labor Commissioner Mark Costello Act’; bill aimed at helping mentally ill needing assisted outpatient treatment


Legislation to help families get assisted outpatient treatment for adult relatives with mental illness before a situation reaches a crisis has been approved by the full Senate.  House Bill 1697, by Sen. AJ Griffin and Rep. Lee Denney, was approved unanimously by the full Senate on Tuesday. The legislation is named the Labor Commissioner Mark Costello Act. Costello’s adult son, Christian, who struggled with mental illness for years, is charged in his father’s 2015 death.

Griffin said only a few decades ago, many with mental illness in this country were institutionalized, often against their will.  With the move toward deinstitutionalization and community based treatment, laws were passed to ensure patients with mental illness could only be forced into treatment if they were an eminent threat to themselves or others.

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 “Unfortunately, by the time that happens, it may be too late to avoid a crisis. It’s especially difficult for families who’ve tried to help children with mental illness, but learn once their child turns 18, their hands are often tied when they attempt to get their son or daughter the treatment they need to be able to function safely at home and in the community,” said Griffin, R-Guthrie. “The Mark Costello Act would give families a path through the courts to get their loved one into assisted outpatient treatment before a tragedy occurs.”

HB 1697 outlines circumstances which would allow judges to order individuals to participate in an assisted outpatient treatment program if petitioned by immediate family members or guardians or those directly involved with the individual’s treatment. The individual must be 18 years or older, under the care of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, and unlikely to survive safely in the community without supervision.

Denney said before Costello’s death, he had been an advocate for mental health treatment resources in Oklahoma.

“Mental Illness can be especially hard to address, because the illness itself can cause a person to resist the help of loved ones,” said Denney, R-Cushing. “Mark Costello was very vocal about the need to do more in Oklahoma. His wife, Cathy, is continuing that advocacy and I am proud to collaborate with her and Senator Griffin on this legislation. We hope that it will give judges a tool that can be used to help those afflicted by mental illness.”

Cathy Costello spoke in favor of HB 1697 when it was approved by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee last month. She watched from the Senate gallery as the measure was approved.

“I’m grateful to Senator Griffin and Representative Denney for their hard work on this legislation. It’s heartbreaking for families who struggle to get help for their adult children or other relatives only to hit a wall because current law doesn’t allow for intervention until they’re a danger to themselves or others—and by then it may be too late,” Costello said. “I believe this bill can help Oklahoma families before they face a tragedy like our family experienced.”

The measure now returns to the House for consideration of Senate amendments.

Mulready, Quinn Have Legislation to Strengthen Life Insurance Policies

Morgan’s Relax Packs are handcrafted heat packs designed for maximum muscle relief at affordable pricing.


Senate Bill 298, known as the Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefit Act, stipulates that, on all new life insurance policies, insurance companies in Oklahoma must check a database (the “Death Master File”) two times each year to see if policyholders have passed away. If the database indicates a potential match with an insured, the companies would work to locate the insured’s family, confirm the death and pay life insurance benefits to surviving beneficiaries. 

The bill has passed out of the Senate and now awaits a hearing in the House Appropriations and Budget Committee. 

Current law and life insurance industry practice require a claim to be filed before any policy is eligible for benefits to be paid, similar to health insurance or auto insurance. In the vast majority of cases, life insurance claims are filed when the insured passes away and benefits are paid to surviving beneficiaries. Issues can arise, however, when an insured passes away without notifying his or her loved ones of the existence of a life insurance policy. 

Mulready said that after talking to both insurance companies and policyholders, he concluded that the current system needs improvement.

“Life insurance is different from, say, auto insurance,” said Mulready, R-Tulsa. “You may never file a claim on your auto coverage, but you know there will eventually be a claim on a life insurance policy if you keep the policy in force. Senator Quinn and I are working to make sure that moving forward this fundamental difference is reflected in the law and in all life insurance policies in Oklahoma.”

Quinn said the legislation creates a better system to unite policy benefits with beneficiaries as the insureds intended and is fair to both policyholders and insurance companies.

“Legally, the Legislature can’t rewrite contracts that have already been entered into, nor should we,” said Quinn, R-Claremore. “But we can create a system that better serves Oklahomans moving forward. The industry will now have additional safeguards in place to ensure that benefits are being paid out to surviving loved ones.”

Both Mulready and Quinn also encouraged those who have lost loved ones to make use of the Life Policy Locator Service launched in March 2015 by Insurance Commissioner John Doak. The service, run by the Insurance Department, helps Oklahomans locate potential life insurance benefits available to them. In less than one year of operation, the Insurance Department has found and connected 29 different beneficiaries with more than $534,483 of life insurance benefits. For more on the service, visit:

Phil Nollan running for City Council for Ward 1

SUBMITTED: Parks Advisory Board Vice-Chair Phil Nollan with wife, House Representative Jadine Nollan.

The following is a submitted letter to the citizens of Sand Springs Ward 1 by City Council Candidate Phil Nollan. Nollan is challenging incumbent councilman Michael Phillips. Election will be held Tuesday, March 1st. Nollan's wife, Jadine, is the Oklahoma House Representative for District 66 which encompasses Sand Springs.

Hi Neighbor!

I’m running for Sand Springs City Council and would like to introduce myself.  I married my college sweetheart, Jadine Cox Nollan, 35 years ago and we have three adult children Kristin, Kasey, and Kurt who attended Sand Springs Public Schools and graduated from Oklahoma colleges.  I’ve always looked for ways to give back to my community by serving in our church’s children, youth, and college ministries or by coaching little league sports teams and volunteering for Sand Springs non-profits and community events. 

I’m a nationally-certified project management professional who has served on the Sand Springs Parks Advisory Board for five years as well as Board President and officer of the Tulsa Project Management Institute for ten years.  I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Oklahoma State University and an executive master of business administration certification from the University of Tulsa.

I’m currently serving as Vice-Chair on the Sand Springs Parks Advisory Board.  As a Board we have completed the Case Center, built a Skate Park, expanded the Keystone Ancient Forest, and developed the bond plans for two new Splash Pads and Museum renovations. And I’m very excited to say that the Pratt-Civitan Splash Pad and the Sand Springs Rotary Super Splash Pad and Soccer/Baseball Concession will be open for business this summer!  A lot of good things are happening for Sand Springs through our City Parks Department!

I’d like to see the City carry this same positive momentum into other opportunities that will help make Sand Springs more attractive to families and businesses.  Some of the opportunities include doing everything we can to help get new sit-down restaurants, add business service providers and manufacturers, provide for faster economic development of the Sand Springs corridor and a quicker resolution to pressing issues.

We know our tax base is shrinking when we lose businesses like Cox Furniture, Morrow Gill Lumber, Kmart and Walgreens. I believe my project experience in the Fortune 100 corporate world can offer a valuable perspective to the management of Sand Springs Vision 2025 tax extension projects. In addition, my experience in housing construction, small business, and commercial leasing may serve to benefit the River West development.

Our community is really special and I love living here.  We have great schools and a beautiful natural landscape for building and development.  We just need to maximize our opportunities to help make our wonderful city even better and more attractive for our young families.  If elected, I will be a listener and a voice for my friends and neighbors in Ward 1.  We are Sand Springs and I’m proud to call myself a Sandite!

For further information email, call my cell at 918.407.4201 or reach out on Facebook.  I would appreciate your vote on Super Tuesday, March 1st.  Thanks and God Bless!