Indian Advisory Council expresses concern over budget cuts


OKLAHOMA CITY (August 10, 2016) – The impact of reduced education funding on students was a top concern of attendees of the Oklahoma Advisory Council on Indian Education at their July 20 meeting. The group met at the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum in Oklahoma City.

Dwight Pickering, director of American Indian Education with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), said the more than 130,000 Native American students enrolled in Oklahoma’s public schools are experiencing the same difficulties as all children in the state.

“In some instances, our tribes across the state are helping those districts that are in their tribal jurisdiction,” said Pickering. “The partnership the tribes have created with the schools is so important.”

One example of tribal support of public schools is the $4.7 million donation the Cherokee Nation made to districts in its jurisdictional area in February. The donation went to 106 districts and originated from tribal car tag fees, 38 percent of which went to education.

Also, the OSDE is providing opportunities for tribes to provide feedback on public education as part of the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaces No Child Left Behind. Members are encouraged to participate in a survey at

In other discussion:

Jim Parrish, representative of the Choctaw Nation, said U.S. Senate Bill 2842 was introduced by U.S. Sen. James Lankford, which would provide for increased student count in the Johnson-O'Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program as well as increased per-pupil funding to $125. Pickering said the program is a priority for OSDE, and the agency is continuing to request that the Bureau of Indian Education reconsider moving its education line office out of state. Greg Anderson, secretary of education for the Muscogee Creek Nation, said the Inter-Tribal Council of Oklahoma had passed two resolutions to keep the office in state as well.

Districts receiving more than $40,000 for Title VII will be required to hold tribal consultations, Pickering said. If the district has over 50 percent American Indian student enrollment, it may be required to hold tribal consultations.

Dode Barnett, chair of the Native American Juvenile Justice Task Force, said more involvement was needed by tribes other than the Five Civilized Tribes. Juvenile Justice Codes, she said, need to be developed by tribal governments to support their youth citizens holistically, and it is important that students stay focused on their education even if they are in custody to keep from falling behind. 

The Muscogee Creek Nation is promoting a promising literacy program, Pickering said. Information about the Myron reading program will soon be available on the OSDE’s website, Other tribes sponsoring special reading programs include the Chickasaw, Choctaw and Cherokee nations.

Phil Gover, director of the Sovereign Schools Project, said tribes can now sponsor charter schools through state legislation. Gover said his organization is expecting three tribal-sponsored charter schools to be created in the coming year.

Senate honors Cherokee Nation

Oklahoma State Senate honors Cherokee Nation. (Left to right) Senate Minority Leader John Sparks, Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, Victoria Vazquez, Deputy Speaker of the Tribal Council, Deputy Principal Chief S. Joe Crittenden, Miss Cherokee Ja-Li-Si Pittman, Principal Chief Bill John Baker, Little Cherokee Ambassadors Nathan Lowrey, Max Purget, Maysi Fields, Logan Dreadfulwater, Kashyah Teehee and Jr. Miss Cherokee Madison Whitekiller listen as a Senate Citation honoring the Cherokee Nation is read in the Senate Chamber.


Tuesday marked Cherokee Nation Day at the Capitol, and representatives of the tribe were honored on the floor of the Senate.  The Cherokee Nation is the largest federally recognized tribe in Oklahoma and in the United States.  Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman presented a Citation of Congratulations, co-authored by Minority Leader John Sparks, on behalf of the chamber.  Both Bingman and Sparks are citizens of the Cherokee Nation.

“The Cherokee Nation, its culture, and language, are all part of Oklahoma’s identity as a state—we’re partners and we value the cultural and economic contributions the Nation and its citizens make,” said Bingman, R-Sapulpa.  “It’s always a pleasure to welcome representatives of the tribe to the Oklahoma State Senate.”

Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Bill John Baker asked all the Cherokees in the Chamber to stand, which included many guests in the visitors’ gallery as well as several senators on the floor who are also members of the tribe. 

"It's important for the Cherokee Nation to maintain our visibility and presence at the State Capitol, to better protect the interests of our sovereign nation. We are here today advocating for core services including education, health care and infrastructure enhancement," Baker said.

Other tribal officials welcomed to the floor included Deputy Principal Chief S. Joe Crittenden, Tribal Council Deputy Speaker Victoria Vazquez, Miss Cherokee Ja-Li-Si Pittman, Jr. Miss Cherokee, Madison Whitekiller, and several youth ambassadors.

“The Cherokee Nation has thrived, culturally and economically, creating jobs and partnering with local cities for projects that benefit all Oklahomans,” said Sparks, D-Norman.  “It’s an honor to welcome Chief Baker and everyone to the Capitol and acknowledge the Cherokee Nation’s importance to our state’s past and our future.”