Oklahoma reports 7661 active COVID-19 cases and 19 new deaths

According to the latest report from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Oklahoma is in the red zone for cases and the yellow zone for test positivity, with the eighth highest rate in the nation. For the past month, the task force has been recommending that Oklahoma mandate masks statewide, and close bars.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health reported 666 new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday, along with 19 deaths.

  • One in Cherokee County, one female in the 36 - 49 age group. 

  • One in Creek County, one male in the 50 - 64 age group.

  • One in Garfield County, one male in the 65 or older age group. 

  • One in Haskell County, one male in the 65 or older age group.

  • One in Jackson County, one male in the 65 or older age group.

  • One in Mayes County, one male in the 65 or older age group.

  • One in Murray County, one male in the 65 or older age group.

  • Three in Oklahoma County, one male in the 36 - 49 age group and one female and one male in the 65 or older group. 

  • One in Pittsburg County, one female in the 65 or older age group. 

  • Seven in Rogers County, one female and six males in the 65 or older age group. 

  • One in Sequoyah County, one female in 65 or older age group.  

There have been 763 deaths since the pandemic reached Oklahoma. 533 Oklahomans are currently hospitalized, down from a peak of 663 in late July. 63 deaths have been reported in the past week. 7,661 cases are currently active, down from a peak of 8,132 on Monday.

In Sand Springs there are 31 active cases, down from a peak of 56 on August 10th. Tulsa County is reporting 1,513 active cases. The county is currently in the Orange (Moderate) risk level.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are reporting 5,752,653 total cases nationwide since the pandemic began. There have been 177,759 deaths. In the past day there have been 37,086 new cases and 1,142 new deaths reported.

Oklahoma ranks 30th in total cases, 27th in cases per capita, and ninth in per capita cases in the past seven days. The state is 33rd in total deaths, 37th in deaths per capita, and 23rd in total deaths in the past seven days.

The World Health Organization is reporting 23,752,965 cumulative cases worldwide with 815,038 deaths. America currently leads the world in total cases, followed by Brazil with 3,622,861 and India with 3,234,474.