Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd gives update on Sen. Allison Ikley-Freeman

OKLAHOMA CITY –Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, issued a statement Friday on Sen. Allison Ikley-Freeman’s continuing recovery. The Tulsa Democrat was seriously injured in a collision on the Turner Turnpike while traveling to the state Capitol for the legislative session on May 22.

“On Wednesday, June 10, Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman was released from Kaiser Rehabilitation Center in Tulsa. She returned to her home but undergoes daily rehabilitation treatment for her many injuries. With permission from Allison and her family, I can share that her injuries from the accident included six broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, two vertebrae fractures, and five fractures to her pelvis. She works daily to regain the ability to walk but will use a wheelchair for the time being.

“Although Senator Ikley-Freeman is not available for comment at this time, she and her family continue to extend gratitude to her church, friends, and fellow legislators in the state Senate and House of Representatives for their sustained support. She and her family request continued privacy and prayer for Allison and for the family of the other person involved.”