Tulsa County announces upcoming major construction to Wekiwa Road in Sand Springs

Tulsa County Engineering is announcing that construction improvements on Wekiwa Rd., just west of Sand Springs, will begin near the end of June 2020. Work will be done between 161st W. Ave. and 129th W. Ave. and will include widening Wekiwa Rd. to accommodate bike lanes and provide a safer roadway for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists accessing the nearby USACE Keystone Dam and Keystone Lake. Wekiwa Rd. will be used as a portion of the bicycle leg of the Ironman competition in May of next year.

This Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project is funded by state and federal monies combined with Vision Tulsa bond funds and will widen the roadway from 18 feet to 24 feet, including 11-foot lanes with 1-foot paved shoulders and recoverable foreslopes. New signs and striping will be provided, including "share the road" type signage for bicycle traffic. Guardrails will be added to two existing box culverts and milling and overlaying of the existing pavement will be completed. Through traffic will be maintained for the duration of the project.

The contract for this work was awarded to Ellsworth Construction in March 2020 and is scheduled to be completed within 120 calendar days from the start date.

Keystone Dam to 177th W. Ave.

Design is currently underway for the section of Wekiwa Rd. farther west, from Keystone Dam to 177th W. Ave. This Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) project will be done by County employees with an anticipated completion time slated for the early spring of 2021. The project will include widening the road 3-feet on each side, lengthening several culverts, widening structures to accommodate the wider roadway, and overlaying the entire width.

The portion of Wekiwa Rd. between the TAP-funded and FLAP-funded sections will be concurrently repaired by County employees to complete the roughly 6-mile corridor