Sand Springs School Board recognizes bus drivers, CBMS students at January meeting

Sand Springs school bus drivers Renee Nance, Joanne Parker, Roger Anderson, Gary Dusina, Kevin Smith, and Transportation Director Sean Parker were presented with Sandite Pacesetter Awards for their work with special needs students.

According to Parker, the special needs fleet serves 50 students in an area of over 200 square miles, and does it with only 4 buses, meaning they can’t run a regular bus route. Parker also praised Special Needs Coordinator Bobby Hunt.

Clyde Boyd Middle School seventh grade studets Gavin Strout and Macie Willits were honored with Sandite Spirit Awards for their contributions to the Shop With A Cop program. Strout reportedly raised over $900 for the program, which aims to make sure poorer students in the Sand Springs area all receive Christmas presents. The district raised $8,125 overall, benefiting over 160 students.

Superintendent Sherry Durkee also surprised the Board with plaques recognizing their contribution to the district. The Board includes Jackie Wagnon, Whitney Wagers, Mike Mullins, Rusty Gunn, and Bo Naugle.

The Board approved out-of-state travel for Vo-Ag students to attend the MWI Welding Competition in Nevada, Missouri at the end of January, and for Transportation Director Sean Parker to attend Training on Medeco Key Systems in Ontario, California in February.

The Board approved a memorandum of understanding with the Sand Springs Fire Department for a Student Internship Program.

The Board approved the employment of a high school English teacher, a Special Education teacher at Limestone Technology Academy, a Special Education paraprofessional at Angus Valley Elementary, and Bobby Klinck as Head Football Coach.