Board of Education meeting focuses on teacher walkout and school closures

The Sand Springs Public Schools Board of Education met in a regular monthly meeting Monday evening and spent most of the session discussing the ongoing Oklahoma teacher walkout.

Superintendent Sherry Durkee discussed HB1010xx, HB3705 and other pieces of legislation from the current session. The Oklahoma legislature recently passed bills generating teacher pay raises averaging $6,100, but failed to satisfy Oklahoma Educators' Association demands for general classroom funding.

A majority of the Sand Springs teaching staff is participating in a statewide walkout at press time and Thursday will mark the fourth day of school closures due to understaffing. Many district employees are lobbying at the Capitol and scores of supporters have been occupying street corners at major intersections in Sand Springs, holding signs in support of the walkout. 

"I think that we have a great set of staff that love kids and are trying really hard to do the right thing and make it better for our kids," said Durkee.

The district has two unused "snow days" left, so students can miss school till Tuesday without having to extend the school year. If the strike lasts past that point, the district may add additional days to the school year, and could add extra time to the school day. Teachers will have to make up each missed day in professional development even after the students are dismissed for the summer, regardless of snow days.

The Board also presented four Sandite Spirit Awards and two Pacesetter Awards.

Mason Turgeon received a Sandite Spirit Award for building a set of wooden stairs for an elementary school ball pit as part of his Eagle Scout project. 

Jacelyn Smith, Juliana Shipman, and Erin Smith received Sandite Spirit Awards for helping a fellow student. The girls noticed one of their classmates' shoes were falling apart so they purchased a brand new pair of shoes from their own money. 

Andrea Bays, Caroline Brown, and Janet Thompson were presented with Pacesetter Awards. The three teachers head up the Charles Page High School Business Professionals of America and helped raise $750 for Sandite Special Olympics at their annual fundraiser.