Sand Springs Board of Education approves resolution of solidarity with teacher walk-out

The Sand Springs Public Schools Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution of solidarity with the teacher walkout movement in a special meeting Thursday night at the Charles Page High School Fine Arts Building, and authorized Superintendent Sherry Durkee to close schools for as long as necessary while the district is understaffed.

The Board is not preemptively planning to close schools on or after April 2nd, but will do so if enough teachers walk out that the safety of students is in jeopardy, or the schools are unable to continue effective conduct of operations. 

Additionally, the Board addressed the "chronic underfunding of public school education" and stated their full support of all measures taken by teachers "to demand the necessary funding for a meaningful teacher pay raise and education funding."

The Oklahoma Education Association has issued a deadline of April 1st for the Oklahoma Legislature to fund pay raises and education needs. The organization is calling for $10,000 in teacher pay raises over a three-year period, starting with $6,000 in the upcoming school year and $2,000 for each consecutive year. Additionally, they are demanding pay raises for all support personnel, as well as increased funding for materials, textbooks, and other district needs. 

SSPS currently employs nearly 200 OEA members, and Superintendent Durkee has previously stated the district will not be able to function if that many teachers walk out. 

If the demands of the OEA aren't met by April 1st, the organization is calling for all teachers to strike and visit the State Capitol in protest. 

"Our teachers are special here in Sand Springs," said Board President Beau Naugle. " We recognize that and we appreciate what you do for our kids that have been here, that are here now, and that will be here in the future of Sand Springs."

Superintendent Durkee praised the Board and the seventy-plus community members in attendance applauded the Board for their actions.

Resolution Concerning Board Policy CKCA Emergency School Closings

"Whereas Board policy CKCA, Emergency School Closings, does not expressly include circumstances when insufficient staffing may constitute a reason to close school(s) within the District, and
Whereas the Board believes insufficient staffing can prevent the safe and effective conduct of school operations,
Now therefore be it resolved, that the Board directs the Superintendent to prepare the necessary policy amendment to include the following language in Policy CKCA:
'Abnormal conditions' and 'emergency' shall include circumstances where the superintendent determines that, whether for voluntary or involuntary reasons, there will be insufficient staffing present to assure the safe and effect conduct of school operations at one or more of the district's school sites.'
The Board further directs the Superintendent to administer and apply Policy CKCA being informed by the expression of the boards Intent resolved this fifteenth day of March 2018."

Resolution Regarding Board Support of Teacher Voices

"Whereas the Sand Springs Public School Board of Education recognizes the chronic underfunding of public school education and continued cuts more than a decade; and
Whereas the Sand Springs Public Schools. Board of Education is a witness the consequences of this chronic underfunding and sees the victims in our teachers, staff, students, families community and state; and
Whereas the Sand Springs Public Schools Board of Education has supported and worked for solution after solution to fund teacher pay raises and common education, only to see the legislature fail to find common ground and pass legislation comprehensively addressing this emergency; and
Whereas teachers provide critical work in our classrooms and have waited far too long for adequate classroom resources and a desperately needed pay raise, and
Whereas, in the interest of our students and families, because Oklahoma cannot allow this crisis to continue through another legislative session, we support all measures taken by  our classroom teachers to demand the necessary funding for a meaningful teacher pay raise and education funding; and
Whereas we are confident our community, including parents, families, caregivers, faith leaders and followers, business leaders, laborers, teachers' families and their school district administrators, neighbors and friends will gracefully fill the gap and make the sacrifices it will take while our teachers advocate for what they need to educate our children and secure the future of Oklahoma in ways they see fit.
Be it resolved that the Sand Springs Public Schools Board of Education is in full support of our teachers and stands ready to take action consistent with its duty to provide educational services to its students to improve conditions for our teachers.
The Sand Springs Public Schools Board of Education urges the Oklahoma State Legislature to work urgently on behalf of the children and families in our state to take swift and meaningful action to develop a viable plan to pay teachers the professional salaries they deserve. Resolved this 15th day of March 2018."