Baylee and Michael Wilson celebrate seven months of ministry in Haiti

Submitted by Michael Wilson, Wilson's Call.

This month we will be living in Haiti for 7 months. It's been over half of a year in this beautiful country. We knew that we loved the country before we moved here. But after moving, God has broken our hearts for the people of Haiti all over again. We've seen heartbreak, joy, loss, and lives changed because of Jesus Christ. We've met so many amazing people on this journey and we can't imagine living without them. We've only seen a glimpse of what God can do when you allow him to use you for his glory. God has given us a burden for the lost. Over 40% of people in Haiti are illiterate. Therefore, 40% of people will never be able to read God's word, all they know about the gospel is what they're told, which can often be wrong. We want to share the TRUTH of Jesus Christ, and tell the people we meet that Jesus saves the worst of us. We don't need to get our lives right before we come to him, because when we completely give our lives to Christ, he will change us from the inside out. 

This is Christie. She was given away as a little girl to become a restavek (civil slave) to another family in Haiti. Her whole life has been devoted to doing other peoples laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping in the market, etc. We invited her to church and she gave her life to Christ. Because of her new faith, her mom traveled to our area to go to church with Christie. Earlier this month she came to our house to tell us that she is no longer going to be living with this family, and that she gets to move back home with her mom. When we add God to the picture, things change. Lives are made new. Although we miss Christie, we are so thankful that she is now living a life of freedom. 

Everyone meet Viergelie, our new sister in Christ. We had a team a few weeks ago doing house to house evangelism. We noticed Viergelie watching us from a distance as we visited with multiple people on the streets. She finally came to us, her head down, not wanting to look us in the eyes. She told us that she is living with her boyfriend, and hasn't accepted Christ because she knows she's sinning. After sharing the gospel with her, the truth of Jesus changed her life. She was always told that she can't be a follower of Christ until she gets her life right first. But we know that WHEN we surrender our lives to him, he will begin to change every aspect of our lives. We gave Viergelie a new Bible, and you wouldn't believe how her face lit up. She hugged the Bible so tight to her chest, you would of thought she had never held the word of God in her hands before, maybe she hasn't. She began to go around telling everyone the decision she had just made. She said she couldn't wait to go home and tell her boyfriend that she was ready to change her life around. 

RTS Missions has been very busy lately with back to back short term mission teams. We had a medical team last month who gave each of our elderly individuals a health check-up, along with a bag full of medicine and hygiene products.

Lately we've been asking God to give us huge vision for the future of His Hope and we are believing to start a home/living facility for our elderly. We know this may be a long way off, but we believe with God and your help, we can make it happen. To give them a place to live means we will be able to give them the care that they need on a daily basis, feed them every day, allow them to spend time with others their age, and be able to share the gospel in their every day lives. Right now we are doing many different things at RTS Missions and aren't able to put our full focus on the elderly ministry. We are praying that there is a way to put our full effort into it soon. Please join us in prayer about this. 

Prayer Request: Our constant prayer is that no matter where we are at, we would continue to Love God, and Love people. We know that God has called us to serve the people of Haiti, and we will do so with grateful hearts until we feel that he is calling us somewhere else. We just ask that you would pray as we continue to seek vision and guidance for God's plan for our lives here in Haiti. 

As you read above, we are praying about the growth of the elderly ministry. We know that the vision we have is huge, but our God is bigger, and he will fulfill his promises. It will take a lot of time, and money, but it is possible. Please pray that God would continue to show us the path we need to take with the elderly ministry in growing it so that we can reach more people who are no longer able to care for themselves. 

As of now we are without a personal vehicle. We are so thankful that RTS Missions lets us use the ministry vehicles but with it being a growing ministry the vehicles are in constant use so that sometimes limits what we are able to do. Would you continue to pray with us for the funds to buy a personal truck or SUV so that we can further what God has called us to do or that God would provide a vehicle through donation. Cars in Haiti are not reliable if you buy used and extremely expensive brand new. Our God can do all things.

Praise Reports: In the month of July we had back to back teams coming down to serve with RTS. During that month, we saw 67 people give their lives to Christ. Sometimes we minister to people and they say they are not ready to accept Christ yet. But we thank God for each person who comes down to serve. There are some teams who plant seeds, some who water those seeds, and then there are some who reap a harvest. Nothing we do in Haiti is insignificant and even if we had one salvation, it would all be worth it. 

We now have a fridge in our house! This might seem very small but it is huge for us. We use to have to rely on going to the Shepherds house for all of our meals (Which is not bad) but now we have the ability to cook at our own house.