State Releases A-F Report Cards: Sand Springs Schools average B-

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The State Board of Education released the 2016 A-F Report Cards for all public schools in Oklahoma Thursday, and the average Sand Springs Public School received an 80.87%, or a B-. 

"The report cards released today are likely to be the last using the A-F calculations that have been in effect since the 2012-2013 school year. Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and a new state law, House Bill 3218, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is developing a new school accountability calculation to take effect in the 2017-2018 school year," says a press release from the Department of Education. 

“Our sights are fixed on a stronger school accountability system that will be a more meaningful and accurate measure for Oklahoma schools and districts, one that will better provide contextual information that educators, families and communities need to know about our schools, their academic performance, student growth and progress especially for high-need and at-risk student groups,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister said.

"Also at today’s meeting, the SBE approved OSDE’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget request of $2.64 billion for common education, which includes an increase of $221 million over the FY 2017 budget. The increase maintains per-student funding to reflect Oklahoma’s student population growth, adding $56.7 million to the school funding formula and restoring funding for the Instructional Materials, Support of Public School Activities and Agency Support for Schools line items," says the release.

Angus Valley Elementary received the highest grade of 97%, with Central Ninth Grade Center being the only other school to receive an A. Charles Page High School received a C-. The Early Childhood Development Center did not receive a grade. 

Grades are based on three criteria. 50% of the grading is based on Student Performance, with Overall Student Growth and Bottom Growth accounting for 25% each. Student Achievement is based on the Oklahoma School Testing Program assessments in grades three through high school. Student Growth is based on annual student learning gains as measured by Oklahoma's standardized assessments in reading and mathematics in grades three through eight, and Algebra I and English II End of Instruction Exams. 

Angus Valley Elementary

Angus Valley, located at 412 West 55th Street, on the South side of town, received a 97%. Angus serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in all curriculum, including Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In overall growth they received an A in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received an 86% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Social Studies with 88% and the weakest subject was Science with 81%. 

Northwoods Fine Arts Academy and Garfield STEAM Academy

Northwoods, located at 1691 Old North Road, in Northeast Sand Springs, and Garfield, located at 701 North Roosevelt Avenue, just north of downtown, were graded together and received a 71%. Northwoods serves students from Kindergarten through Second Grade, and Garfield serves students from Third through Fifth Grades. This will change in the next school year as both schools separate and adopt a K-5 format. On Student Achievement, the students received a C in Reading, a D in Mathematics, and Fs in Science and Social Studies. In overall growth they received a C in Reading and a D in Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 46% on growth. The schools maintained a 95% attendance rate for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the schools was Reading with 73% and the weakest subject was Science with 42%. 

Limestone Elementary

Limestone, located at 4201 South Walnut Creek Drive, in South Sand Springs, received an 85%. Limestone serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in Reading, Cs in Mathematics, and Social Studies, and a D in Science. Overall Student Growth received an A in Reading and a C in Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 58% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Reading with 86% and the weakest subject was Science with 63%.

Pratt Elementary

Pratt, located at 305 West 35th Street, in South Sand Springs, received an 84%. Pratt serves students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received Bs in Reading and Mathematics, a D in Social Studies, and an F in Science. Overall Student Growth received Bs in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 55% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate of greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Reading at 84% and the weakest subject was Science with 55%.

Clyde Boyde Middle School

Clyde Boyd, located at 305 West 35th Street in South Sand Springs, received a 74%. The school serves students from Sixth through Eighth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received Cs in Reading and Mathematics, and Fs in Science and Social Studies. Overall Student Growth received Cs in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 50% on growth. The school received 10 bonus points for a 94% attendance rate, a sub-5% dropout rate, and an advanced coursework participation rate greater than 95%. The strongest subject for the school was a tie between Reading and Mathematics at 72%, while the weakest subject was Social Studies at 48%.

Central Ninth Grade Center

CNGC, located at 14 West 4th Street in downtown, received a 94%. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in Mathematics, and did not receive grades on the other subjects due to an insufficient number of students' scores. Overall Student Growth received an A in Mathematics, while the bottom quarter of students received an 80% on growth. The school received 10 bonus points for a 94% attendance rate, a sub-5% dropout rate, and an advanced coursework participation rate greater than 95%. 

Charles Page High School

CPHS, located at 500 North Adams Road, received a 71%. On Student Achievement, the students received a C in English, Ds in Mathematics and U.S. History, and an F in Biology I. Overall Student Growth received a B in English II and an F in Algebra I. The bottom quarter of students received a 60% on growth. The school recorded an 87% for graduation rate, a 65% on EOI performance, a 52% on College Entrance Exams, and a 64% on College Entrance Exam participation. They received 3 bonus points for advanced coursework participation and performance greater than 95% and year-to-year growth.