Register bicycles with the City to avoid theft

The Sand Springs Police Department issued a reminder last week via Facebook that citizens are welcome to register their bicycles with the City website to aid in the return of a recovered bike.

"Every year the Sand Springs Police Department receives calls of found and stolen bicycles. It is our goal to return these bikes to the rightful owners, but the majority of the time that does not happen.

One issue is that many people do not write down their serial number. Some people think that it will be in the owners manual, but often it is not included by the manufacturer, only a space to write it down.

S.S.P.D. offers a service to help this problem. Our bike registry lets you enter your information and bike serial number into our system. If an officer recovers the bike, we know how to contact you. This saves our citizens from needing to buy a new bike and it saves our officers time, effort and much needed storage space. If your bike is ever stolen, we will already have the information on file that we can get your serial number for the report and enter it into the national database.

This is a free service and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you feel this could be of help to you, please go to this link."

To follow the SSPD on Facebook, click this link.