Phil Nollan wins Ward 1 City Council seat by landslide, Cruz and Sanders win OK primary

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Super Tuesday voting drew record participation across Oklahoma. In addition to the Presidential primaries, some Sand Springs residents had as many as three issues to vote on. 

Residents of Ward 1 voted between third-term incumbent Michael Phillips and challenger Phil Nollan for City Council. The citizens overwhelmingly voiced their support for a changing of the guard as Nollan won by a landslide 65% to 35%. 

Nollan is a nationally certified Project Management professional who has been serving on the Parks Advisory Board for five years and is currently the Vice Chair. He is an Oklahoma State graduate has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Oklahoma State University and an executive master of business administration certification from the University of Tulsa. Nollan's wife, Jadine, represents Sand Springs as the District 66 Representative in the Oklahoma House where she is an avid public education advocate. 

Joining Nollan on City Council is Patty Dixon who inherited the Ward 2 seat from Dean Nichols after filing unopposed. Nichols asked Dixon to run for election after deciding not to seek another term. Dixon has previously served the city as a two-term councilor from 1990-1996 and has an extensive volunteer background working with the Tulsa County Parks Department, the Parks Advisory Board, the Sand Springs Cultural and Historical Museum Association, Sertoma Club, and more. She has also served as the Executive Director for the Oklahoma Recreation and Parks Society.

Sand Springs Republicans also voted in the primary for Tulsa County Sheriff. The Democrats did not have a primary as they only have one candidate in Rex Berry. Sand Springs resident and Tulsa Police Sergeant Vic Regalado won a significant victory in a crowded field of nine Republican candidates with 40% of the vote. 

Regalado's closest competitor was Luke Sherman who pulled only 16%. The nominee has extensive background in law enforcement with a decade of SWAT experience. He's been the lead investigator on 81 homicide cases and currently oversees a Special Investigations Gang Unit. 

The Medal of Valor recipient will go against Berry in a special election in April to take over the unexpired term of the current Tulsa Sheriff who resigned after being charged with misconduct in office. The winner will have only a couple of days in office before having to file once again for a full-term election in November. 

In the Presidential primaries Ted Cruz struck a note with the State's Evangelical population and edged out Donald Trump in a 34% to 28% upset victory. He did not, however, break the 50% margin needed to secure the State's full delegation. If no single candidate gets 50%, then in the State of Oklahoma, delegates are split proportionally between all candidates who won at least 20%. Marco Rubio also walked away with a significant chunk of delegates after winning 26% of the vote. 

African-Americans have largely backed Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders thus far in the election process, but Oklahoma significantly lacks in black voters compared to other Southern States and Sanders was able to edge out Hillary with 51% of the vote. The Democratic Party doesn't use the same formula as the Republicans do for delegation, and Clinton still won a significant amount of delegates despite drawing in only 42% of the vote.