CPHS Cross Country: Boys place 7th at Broken Arrow, Girls place 9th

The Charles Page High School cross country teams competed at the Broken Arrow Tigers Meet Saturday. The Varsity Girls placed ninth out of nine teams and the boys were seventh out of nine.

Jazmin Lopez placed 39th out of 68 runners to lead the Lady Sandites with a 5K time of 23:00.09 and Dalton Wilcox placed 38th out 73 runners to lead the boys with a time of 18:14.73.

Sandite Cross Country will return to action Saturday at the 35th Annual Holland Hall Invitational. Varsity Boys will race at 9:30 a.m. followed by JV Boys at 10:00 a.m., Varsity Girls at 10:45 a.m., and JV Girls at 11:30 a.m.

CPHS Varsity Girls
23:00.09 - Jazmin Lopez - 39th
27:34.56 - Ty Davis - 62nd
28:40.87 - Bella Ensten - 63rd
29:23.84 - Madison Chambers - 64th
29:48.09 - Kirsten Neal - 65th
32:55.91 - Emily Patton - 68th

CPHS Varsity Boys
18:14.73 - Dalton Wilcox - 38th
18:46.40 - Noah Hanlon - 47th
18:51.73 - Alejandro Lopez - 50th
19:13.37 - Sam English - 55th
19:24.32 - Caleb James - 58th
22:40.39 - Zach Davis - 42nd (JV)
23:10.45 - David Rigsby - 68th
23:36.50 - Michael Johnson - 71st
26:11.27 - Trevor Millikin - 58th (JV)