OSSAA remains determined to play State Basketball Tournaments
MARCH 17, 2020 – 3:12 p.m. – The OSSAA has been carefully monitoring COVID--19 and following all the recommendations put forth from the CDC. We have also been in contact with State Associations at both a national and regional level.
Yesterday, March 16 the State Department of Education announced mandatory closures of all school facilities; no instruction or activities are permitted at any public school, including Charter and Virtual schools until April 6, 2020.
Based on the action of the State Department of Education, the OSSAA is requiring that during this time all school personnel, including certified, adjunct or volunteer coaches are prohibited from engaging in any type of activity involving secondary students; no practice, instruction, training, weight lifting, tryouts, competition or travel is permitted. School facilities will be closed until April 6, 2020 at which time the situation will be revaluated.
BASKETBALL STATE TOURNAMENTS: After careful consideration, the OSSAA remains determined to make every effort to play the State Basketball Championships for Classes 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A and 6A. We will continue to work with the State Department of Education, the State Health Department, and the Governor’s office as we work to reschedule these tournaments.
FINE ARTS ACTIVITIES: At this time, all Fine Arts activities after April 6 will remain as scheduled. The Fine Arts activities scheduled during the week of March 30 have been postponed. We will continue to work with the State Department of Education, the State Health Department, and the Governor’s office as we work to reschedule these Fine Arts activities.
SPRING SPORTS: After careful consideration, the OSSAA remains determined to make every effort to play all spring activities as scheduled. Should it become necessary, the OSSAA will make adjustments to the current schedules and communicate those changes to the membership.
An update will be provided to all member schools no later than Monday, March 23, 2020.