Police Chief Mike Carter presents 2016 Policing Plan for Sand Springs

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

City of Sand Springs Police Chief Mike Carter is taking a proactive approach towards police-community relations in the face of nation-wide tensions.

With police actions continuing to fall under increased media and public scrutiny, Carter wants to learn from situations like the Ferguson, Missouri conflicts and avoid accusations of biased policing.

“While race has not played a significant factor in policing/judicial problems in the City of Sand Springs; unintentionally, economic disparity may play a significant role in unequal consequences of violations of the law by people in Sand Springs.”

Carter also made it clear that “if even one person feels that they were subject to racial bias by the SSPD, it is our responsibility to take steps to better that situation and take steps to make sure we alleviate that concern in the future.”

The mentally ill are another demographic addressed by Carter. “It is important to treat mental health issues as a medical care situation and to lessen the possibility of potential for violent conflict with the individual.”

Body cameras represent one area where Sand Springs is already well ahead of the curve. While movements like “Black Lives Matter” are demanding body cameras be implemented elsewhere, the SSPD has already been using body cameras for approximately eight years, according to Carter.

The Department is also working on increasing the amount of warnings that are given in relation to the total number of traffic stops.

According to Carter’s report, approximately one-third of Sand Springs officers have been trained in advanced mental health techniques through the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). The remaining two-thirds of SSPD officers are expected to go through the training by the first quarter of 2017.

The Department is also working on training all officers in anti-bias policing. The training focuses on the belief that all people have some implicit bias, and that officers should seek to understand and control their bias so that it won’t be a factor in their policing decisions.

Last year, all SSPD officers attended Use of Force training that not only covered shoot-don’t-shoot situations, but also helped coach officers through issuing verbal commands that are clear and won’t cause confusion or put the officer at risk. The Department will continue to put officers through verbal training sessions that focus on de-escalation and officer approachability.

One example of the SSPD’s restraint in use of force is an incident in the Spoon Drug parking lot two weeks ago.

On Friday, July 18th, officers responded to a call about an armed suspect in the 3800 block of Highway 97. That suspect refused to comply with officers’ orders and was tackled to the ground after the responding officer saw he wasn’t holding a weapon.

The Department plans on starting a program in the near-future called “Talk and Pop with a Cop” that will allow the public to speak with officers and other community leaders about the City.

The Department plans to continue issuing fewer and less-costly citations so as to encourage citizens to appear in court and result in less warrants and less conflicts between officers and citizens. The Department will also raise the penalties for failure to appear in court to further incentivize citizens to appear. Alternatives to fines and jail times are being explored such as community service in local festivals.

This week in Sand Springs

Photo by Morgan Miller

Board of Adjustment

The City of Sand Springs Board of Adjustment will be meeting Monday, July 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Room at the City Municipal Building.

The Board will elect a new Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary.

The Board will also discuss and consider the possible approval of a variance to the Sand Springs Zoning Code relating to the construction of a single-family residence on the Prattville side of town.

Planning Commission

The City of Sand Springs Planning Commission will not be holding their regular monthly meeting Monday due to a lack of agenda items.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 15th.

Museum Trust Authority

The Sand Springs Cultural and Historical Museum Trust Authority will be meeting Tuesday July 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the Sand Springs Museum building at 9 E Broadway.

The Board will review the Fiscal Year 2016 financials with no action to be taken.

The Trustees will consider proceeding with interior repairs and improvement of the museum.

The Trustees will consider appointments to various museum committees and the committee chairs will present the monthly reports.

 Development Authority Meeting

The Sand Springs Development Authority will hold their regular monthly meeting in the City Municipal Building Wednesday July 20th at 4:00 p.m.

The Trustees will elect a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, receive an update on Sand Springs’ development opportunities, and will consider entering an executive session to confer on matters pertaining to economic development.

SSPS Enrollment begins Monday

Students of Sand Springs Public Schools may begin enrolling as early as July 18th for the upcoming school year.

The enrollment center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every business day but Wednesday. On Wednesdays the hours are the same, except it is closed from noon to 1:00 p.m.

For information on medical records, identifications, and other materials necessary for enrollment, contact the center at 918.246.1448.

OSU Big Three Field Days

The longest-lasting relationships from high school are typically those built through extra-curricular activities. Sand Springs students are able to do just that through Future Farmers of America. FFA is about much more than showing livestock and farming, it is also a great vessel to teaching students about things such as leadership and public speaking. There are approximately 230 members in Sand Springs FFA, and some of them will be attending the OSU Big Three Field Days from Tuesday, July 19th to Thursday, July 21st. This event is held at the OSU Animal Science Arena and hosts about 1,300 to 1,400 students each year. The first day of this event is the Sheep field day, the second is the Beef field day, and the final day is the Swine field day. For a complete list of events you can go to http://sandsprings.theaet.com.

Chandler Park is “Just For Tots” on July 23rd

Trying to find something fun for the little ones to do this summer? Just for Tots Day at Chandler Park is a day just for the small children! It will be Saturday, July 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be plenty of entertainment for the little ones, including toys to play with, games, crafts, goodie bags, and door prizes. Lunch will also be included! There will be a $5 entry fee at the door for each child, but parents will be admitted for free. For more information contact Tracy Hardy-Wade at918.591.6053 or thardy-wade@tulsacounty.org.

SSPS staff changes for upcoming school year

As of July 1st, Sherry Durkee has officially inherited the Superintendent position from Lloyd Snow, and Rod Sitton inherited the Athletic Director position from Ed Garrett.

Both Snow and Garrett have been long-time staples in the SSPS community for decades, but their replacements are far from outsiders. Durkee and Sitton have been with the community for years and are expected to be great fits in continuing the Sandite tradition of excellence.

Sand Springs shows love of PD after Dallas shooting

The tragic attack on Dallas Police officers on July 7th had a profound emotional impact on police officers and their friends and family across the country.

Hillspring Church presented the SSPD with a large banner this past week stating “Hillspring Church loves and supports you!”

The Sand Springs Jeepin’ group also presented the SSPD with gift cards to Sweetie Pies to show their appreciation.

City Councilman Brian Jackson sounds off on Senator Dan Newberry

Incumbent Senator Dan Newberry faced harsh words from City Councilman Brian Jackson at a Chamber of Commerce forum Monday afternoon.

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce hosted an open forum Monday for Senate seat 37 candidates. All seven candidates were invited, five attended, but the awkward drama between three of them stole the show. Outgoing Sand Springs Superintendent Lloyd Snow is running for the democratic nomination for the seat, and he's found an unusual ally from the other side of the political spectrum. 

Sand Springs City Councilman Brian Jackson is a Republican, but doesn't hesitate to endorse Snow as the best alternative to incumbent Dan Newberry, should Newberry win the Republican nomination. Jackson has even gone so far as to go canvassing with Superintendent Snow. 

Jackson, whose wife is a third-grade teacher, makes it clear that should he be defeated in the Republican primary on June 28th, his campaign won't end there.

"I believe public education is the cornerstone to our democracy, and should be guarded from politicians that want to inflict harm. I do not support any measure such as vouchers that would divert or direct tax dollars away from public education," said Jackson, an obvious jab at Newberry who failed to publicly oppose SB609, which would have redirected funds from public education to private schools. The high-profile bill received major public backlash from the education community before dying in committee. Many District 37 residents expressed frustration that Newberry failed to reply to any emails or phone calls regarding the bill, and never publicly declared his position, should it have been heard on the Senate floor.

Outgoing Superintendent Lloyd Snow will likely carry a large backing from Sand Springs residents with ties to education, but his biggest obstacle to election will be proving his qualifications in non-education fields. 

"Many politicians, including one in this room, will stand behind false over-inflated words that teachers should receive a medal for the work they do. This is merely smoke and mirrors and does not reflect a genuine thought." Jackson also claimed to have overheard Newberry rudely dismiss a Sand Springs educator's concerns on a past trip to the Capitol. "This disrespectful action will not be tolerated and I am honored to not be alone in this race to unseat the disrespectful actions of this politician." 

Newberry has faced a lot of backlash from the education community. Political Action Committee "Oklahomans for Public Education" rated the Senator as "Dangerous" and "Not Supportive of Public Ed" in their most recent list of 2016 candidates. Jackson and Snow, meanwhile, were endorsed as "Pro-Public Education." 

Newberry's not without some high profile supporters, however. Victory Christian Center Pastor Sharon Daugherty, Sand Springs City Councilman Jim Spoon, and former Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce President Mary Eubanks have all starred in promotional videos endorsing the Newberry campaign. Sand Springs Vice-Mayor John Fothergill has also expressed his support via Facebook. 

In defense of Newberry's education record, he did coauthor HB3218 to eliminate End of Instruction Exams, but it was far from a divisive bill. Twenty-seven other senators coauthored on the bill, as did forty-seven house representatives. The legislation cleared the House 95 to 1 and the Senate 45 to 1.

While Newberry faces heavy criticism from the education community, Snow and Jackson face criticism from just about everyone else. Supporters of Newberry have pointed out that while Education is crucial, it is not the only pressing matter for a Senator to deal with. Newberry's challengers have been accused of inadequately addressing the numerous duties a Senator must perform.

"Our state education system, along with other core areas of state government, including transportation, infrastructure, corrections, and mental health, is grossly and recklessly underfunded," said Jackson. That was all he said about the issues before continuing on in his pro-education spiel. 

Superintendent Snow fared about the same when it came to diversifying his platform. "It breaks my heart that we're going to have fifty-one fewer employees in Sand Springs schools next year." Snow failed to touch on anything other than education in his speech.

The Democratic challenger does have his standpoints on some key issues listed on his website. He promises to fix income inequality between equally qualified men and women working the same job. He touches on creating quality jobs and diversifying the state economy, supporting police and firemen, and giving individuals more control over their personal healthcare. Jackson, meanwhile, has no political ideology listed anywhere on his Facebook page or website, except for a brief mention that "illegal aliens-if they want to live here, they need to go through the proper procedures for citizenship." 

"It's not personal with me, it's performance," said Snow. "This past legislature--and I've got good friends there, it's not personal--it was a side-step. It wasn't a step up. Band-aid, band-aid, band-aid. Folks, this budget's gonna fail."

"It's not my ambition and it never was. But I feel an obligation...I may not tell you what you want to hear, but I will always give you 100% every day."

Police impersonator at large

According to City of Sand Springs Chief of Police Mike Carter, a white Chevy Tahoe pulled over a woman in the area of 44th and Spruce on Thursday. After taking the woman's license and registration, the suspect demanded she exit the vehicle and then groped her. The full statement is as follows:

 "Important Message:

The Sand Springs Police Department just received a report of a police impersonator.  It was reported that white Tahoe that pulled a lady over around 44th and Spruce.  This vehicle is described as having a light bar on top of the vehicle as well as a push bar with lights on it.  A white male suspect wearing all dark clothing a displaying some sort of badge made the victim produce her drivers license and insurance.  He then made her get out of her vehicle and groped her.  Officers are taking a report from the victim.  If anyone sees this vehicle or knows who may be responsible for this act, please call SSPD at (918)245-8777 or 911.

If a vehicle attempts to pull you over and you are not sure it is an officer, please dial 911 and continue to drive to a well lighted area such as a convenience store.

Chief Mike Carter" 

Fire reported at CNGC

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Central Ninth Grade Center in downtown Sand Springs was briefly evacuated Wednesday morning due to a fire. Early reports indicate it was a trash can that combusted--possibly due to a lit cigarette. 

The incident was quickly contained by the SSFD and school is currently back in session.